BaCk iN aCtIoN!
Hey gals and boys! I a…m…. BaCk iN AcTiOn!!!
My holidays are finally over and I am back in good o’le Germany. I am very sorry for the long wait, perk up your spirits and get ready for more crappy tales and corny stories. Well, this is the good news, now for the bad ones.
The company has just slapped us with a memo, prohibiting the usage of the internet for the use of personal recreation during office hours. Oh well, I will just have to either sleep a little less and crawl to the office earlier, or type the articles on the word document and post them onto the blog with lighting speed (Awww!! How cliche!).
However, despair not, I will risk my arms, legs and my mundane job to keep everyone (hopefully) entertained!
~~~ My One Cent Worth of Thoughts!! ~~~
P.S. I hate this Germand keyboard. Everything is in the wrong position!! Grrr….!!!