Before I forget (remember? All my history exams? There! I see you nodding your head.), I need to tell you about the blabber tag at the end of each post. It’s really a comment form, but apparently, all the comments sort of disappeared when the layout has been changed. So now you see the egghead beside it, which means that nobody is writing any comment.
Therefore, you are highly encouraged to blab and of course, that will influence the egghead to transform itself to a pert little number (1,2,3,4,5,6….). Ok??
That’s 2 entries for today. I’m chalking up buffer for myself. *grin*
0 thoughts on “Blabber”
hope my 1 cent worth of thoughts is going enough for you passive income. As promise, here is my one cent worth of thoughts – “Things are never the same given time as the factor!”
hope my 1 cent worth of thoughts is going enough for you passive income. As promise, here is my one cent worth of thoughts – “Things are never the same given time as the factor!”