Sing “Di-gi-mon, digital monster, digital monster… der der!” (I have forgotten the last part of this phrase.) I have been hooked to this anime since I came here. I have seen the first few seasons on tv before, on and off, but definitely not a follower. I don’t collect the cards, nor do I go crazy over the merchandise (believe it or not, I have a 30-year-old friend who does!).
I think it must have been the severe tv deprivation that I have contracted while I was in Germany that led to this symptom. After half a year of non-English movies, except for CNN, I am glad, no, not just glad, I should say estatic, for any form of English program I can glue my eyes on. Well, actually I consider the digimon series, from the snatches that I have seen, to be a rather decent anime. The right dose of humour, believeable characters, enough fantasy and makebelieve thrown in, to make an enjoyable show.
I have almost forgotten what an anime or cartoon series look like, after I have outgrown my cartoon watching phase. Sure, now and then, I do watch the Disney cartoons in the cinemas. However, Western cartoons are definitely different from the Japanese animes. The animes do not have the sleek computer animations, that the western cartoons throw in with abandon. But they thrive on their storyline. Every element in the shows is very well packaged, from the soundtrack, which is usually sung by a hot Japanese pop star, to the very detail of the plot. These are things which the western cartoons find hard to compete against. From the simple Doraemon to the mature Maison Ikoku. Anime cater to every kind of viewers.
Anyway, this might be due to the influence of Japanese anime in my childhood. Xiao Tian Tian, Tai Kong Bao Lei, Xuan Feng Xiao Fei Xia… etc… At that time, english cartoons were still in their Mickey Mouse stages.
So I am going to miss Digimon when I leave this place. Sigh…!!