Section Renamed! Kaboomz!
I tried very intense dreaming last night, but still no earthshaking ideas on my new blog layout. Therefore I have to content myself with making mincingly minor changes. I changed ‘my buddys’ to ‘bulogs’. Sounds a little like Sandra Bullocks’ blog though. Anyway, that is not what it meant. I have come across newly coined terms for blogging, some really innovative ones, like Flogs… Sounds cruel yeah? But take the F and the logs apart, it evolves into a new term for Friend’s Blogs. I wanted to incorporate Buddy’s and Blogs together, but by taking the first letter, I would end up with the same name, not too constructive there. Next attempt – Budlogs. Errh… sounded like Buttocks when it was read quickly. Last try, Bulogs. I figured that, being mistaken for certainly Sandra beat references to asses (unless they are yummy pert ones *wolf whistles*) hands down.