Rather sick of this doggy layout, still massaging my head, hoping that this will help generate ideas and initiate the flow of my nonexistent creative juices. Maybe the new layout will come to me in my dreams (or nightmare, whatever..). Next, I will have to set up the whole new template. Looks dubiously at calendar. 5 essays to finish, one whole room of junk to pack up, skiing trip to be planned, workplan for the next fiscal year to be set up (Take note! Work comes last!). Arghgh! Why can’t there be more than 24 hours in a day, or more accurately, I wish I don’ t have to waste my time sleeping. THen again, that would mean that the new ideas won’t come. They come only when I dream or daydream (I have managed to perfect the art of daydreaming during work. Perfect!). Life is a contradiction.