Still Brown rice cereal?! Of course! The 3 days food test. For all new food introduced to the baby, the proper way is to feed him with the same food for 3 consecutive days. In this way, if the baby develops a reaction, I can easily pinpoint the root of it and even trace it back to the previous food.
With my first child having a history of food allergies (luckily I did the 3 day food test with her), it pays to be super duper kiasu. The allergies come and go. Initially she was allergic to formula milk and berries.
Today I gave him more brown rice cereal as compared to day 1.
2 teaspoons of brown rice cereal
4 teaspoons of freshly prepared breastmilk (gosh! I sound like a cow.)

There he is. Sitting up, prim and proper, armed with his bib, eagerly waiting for his food.

Today I managed to take photos…

Kind of blurry because…. I took them with my feet….
Hahahaha. Of course not! I was trying to balance my phone with my left hand and trying to feed him at the same time, making sure that I didn’t thrust the spoon into his nose while taking photos. =.=”
He has learnt how to suck the cereal off the spoon today. Great learning curve. He must have got a kick out of it because he finished everything in a jiffy and whined for more…
I prepared one more teaspoon of cereal for him while he threw a tantrum during the short wait. Men are so impatient when it comes to food… Even 5.5 months old ones. Sigh. So typical.
He guzzled it down too. But with some hesitation near the end. Looks like 3 teaspoons is the right amount, for now.
Stay tuned for yet more brown rice cereal feeding. :)
Food Diary Summary…