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Tag: Sibling rivalry

宝贝 – Being A Big Sister

宝贝 – Being A Big Sister

We have heard all kinds of horror stories of sibling rivalries. 宝贝 promised that she’d be a loving big sister, protect her little brother and share all her things with him.

Everyone tells us that,”they always promise you that. Because before the baby arrives, they don’t realise that they have to give up 50% of virtually everything, including the attention of the parents. You watch and see…” It’s like some kind of doomsday prophecy…. =.=”

So the baby arrived. She’s really excited about him. He’s the first person she looks for when she wakes up, comes home from school and the last person she kisses good night before she sleeps. I think I’m the one losing 80% of her attention and kisses. *grumble*. It did throw chaos into her (and our) very routined life. Thankfully, it’s now slowly being tweaked and restored.

It’s been almost 3 weeks and there’s still no sign of sibling jealousy yet. *still keeping fingers crossed*.

She’s been entrusted with important tasks like throwing away the soiled diapers, pacifying the baby while I take my toilet breaks, singing and telling stories to him. She’s been walking around the house proudly with her newly elevated status of Big Sister like a badge of honour. It’s been working so far.

I like to think that it will last all the way. We are very lucky to be blessed with such great kids.

Check out how 宝贝 tries her best to pacify her baby brother.

It started with the normal gentle “sayang” (patting) and the patronizing “ok ok”. When it failed, she tried the distraction method – “see! My legs are long!”, which obviously didn’t work very well too. Last resort- called daddy for help!!!
