The FART! Ewww…!
Me : Ewwww! What was that?!
小小宝贝 :A fart. (Without batting an eyelid)
Me : Who did that? (There were only 2 of us in the room. And it wasn’t me….)
小小宝贝 :(Nonchalantly lining up his toy cars in his OCD way) It’s Jie Jie. (Big Sister)
Me : How can that be?! Jie Jie is in school now.
小小宝贝 :(Still keeping his straight face) She farted very loudly in school so we can hear it here.
Me : =.=” (Poor, innocent, maligned Jie Jie) Little boys who tell lies don’t get to eat muffins.
小小宝贝 :(giggling cheekily) Mama it’s me, not Jie Jie! I farted!! See so loud! Can I have a muffin please?
Sigh… Things he does for food… Greed rules….