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Ming Ming’s Diary – Little Yoga Master

Ming Ming’s Diary – Little Yoga Master


A not so good morning *sniff sniff* I’m still having a running away nose and am still sick.


I feel like ?. And I didn’t sleep last night. See my bleary eyes. I’m so sad that I missed school today. I was so looking forward to it. I hope the babes don’t miss me too much. I won’t be there to serenade them under the stars and catch bubbles for them. Sigh! How I hate being sick. It sux big time!


My last selfie looked awful?? Of course! I’m sick!! Ok ok I must look good even though I’m sick. Here’s another selfie. Blurry? I haven’t had my breaky yet, that’s why.


Hmmm… I still need to keep up with my physical exercise although I can’t go to school. That horrible Gregory at school laughed at my moobs. ? he said he’s going to seduce all my gorgeous girlfriends from me. How dare he!! I’m just not tall enough for my weight. I’m not the fat kind of fat! ?


Here I go, on my green exercise towel. Look! 6 pack abs!



I stretch and stretch and stretch…




There! I’ve done it! Toe in mouth!! Wonderful yoga skill! I’m really good! But I must be humble, hehe, not too much praise please.

Let me tell you a secret.. My Papa can’t do this. He sat on the floor and stretched and stretched and his fingers only reached his knees… max! Papa claims that he’s too tall, that’s why! Me thinks it’s his tummy that’s getting in his way. Don’t worry. Papa doesn’t read my blog. He doesn’t even have a Facebook account! Blogging is too advanced for him!!

Ming Ming’s Diary – Cool Little Dude

Ming Ming’s Diary – Cool Little Dude


Hey dude! Don’t I look cool? I tugged half my buttons off while Mama was getting Jie Jie ready for school.

She turned around and exclaimed, “Aiyo! Ming Ming! You look like a Sam Seng!!!”

What’s a Sam seng? It must be some singlish slang for hamsum.


Huh? I have moobs and a paunch?? I’m not some dirty old uncle. These are hidden muscles, the potential beneath, yet to be unleashed.

I’m a baby! Babies are meant to be cuddly!!! So these are my cuddles!!!


Too cute for words?? Aww..!! Ok ok. I’ll dress up. Wouldn’t want my cuddles to be pinched. It’s already bad enough that strange aunties pinch my cheeks everyday and exclaim, “so cute…!!” Can’t they just say it without pinching??


Ssshh! Let me finish reading my book first. I’m reading ahead so that I can go to school and impress the babes with my profound vocabulary. It’s important to be learned and Sam Seng (singlish for hamsum ya??) at the same time.


? Mama! I want to go to work with you! Pretty please!? Don’t leave me behind!!! Pulease..!! (Watery eyes)

Ming Ming’s Diary – I’m Balding!

Ming Ming’s Diary – I’m Balding!

Omg!!! I’ve a bald patch!! Right at the top of my head!! Did you see that?

Quick! Give me the number to the Yunnan hair thing!! I must be their first baby client! Maybe they will pay me to be their poster baby for endorsement??

Tomorrow how to go to school and face my girlfriends??? How how how???

Ming Ming’s Diary – Picking Up Babes Tip #1

Ming Ming’s Diary – Picking Up Babes Tip #1

I read in the magazines that girls like boys with skills. I’ve figured that it will be super cool to know how to fly!!

My flight training started this morning! I hope that I can pick it up before school this morning. ☺️



I decided that flying can’t be picked up so quickly. Some girls like the arty farty kind. I look especially suave in my green apron.

Hey babe! This is how you use the brush!!

You dab it in here. Do you need any help?? I can hold your hand over the brush. ☺️

Eating etiquette is also very important. So that I can impress my date at the French fine dining restaurant. Au Jardin, s’il vous plaît?


I must improve on my selfie skill. ?

Especially when I need to put these darn small rice crisps into my mouth at the same time. But, I shall endeavor!!

Eee!! So ugly! Rice crisps all over my mouth!! Delete delete!! Babes will not date me after this!! ?

My first date : so romantic. Both of us under the stars, with a choir singing behind us.

If you need any advice on picking up girls, I can give you a tip or two.

Oh man! I’m Mr Popular. All the babes love me. I’m catching her a bubble. What? Flowers? Nah! That’s so passé! Bubbles are the in the thing now. See how happy she looks??

Luckily I didn’t come to class wearing only my bib. Too sexy for these babes to handle.

Ming ming you are the MAN!! ?

Ming Ming’s Diary – I’m a SNAB!!

Ming Ming’s Diary – I’m a SNAB!!

I’ve heard this term Snag. I think I’m a snab. Sensitive new age baby. Other babies cry and tear pages. But me? I love to read!

Not only that, I read motherhood shopping magazines. So that I can tell Mama the clothes I want to buy. There’s a new girl in class I want to impress. ?

I eat and read at the same time. Like the adults at the cafes? Good life right?? You know, just sit there, eat, read magazines and watch people scurrying around to go to work. Shiok arh!

No, I’m not wearing a tu dou. Oh pulease! Tu dous are for girls!!! It’s a bib for goodness’ sake! And such a manly bib! Look, it’s blue ok!!! Definitely a boy bib!!

Wei!!! Why did you flip up my bib!!! I know I’m sexy! But please control yourself!

Why am I naked? I’m not!! I’m wearing a bib! Besides I like to air myself once in a while.

Should I wear this to school? Sexy huh??