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Tag: Chinese New Year

小小宝贝's First Lion Dance! 

小小宝贝's First Lion Dance! 

Me: How did you find the Lion Dance?

小小宝贝: The lions are naughty naughty!

Me: ? Why?!

小小宝贝: Because after they ate the oranges, they spit their food out! Cannot spit food out! (Disapproving look) AND they threw rubbish all over the floor! Naughty naughty!!

There’s hope for the next generation! Keep Singapore litter free!! ?

Ming Ming’s Diary – My First Chinese New Year

Ming Ming’s Diary – My First Chinese New Year

Finally I managed to get my hands on a phone. Time to update my blog.


Chinese New Year is such a busy time. I swear the number of people I’ve seen today is more than the number I’ve seen in the last 364 days in total!!


I’m definitely Mr Popular. I keep being passed around like I’m some kind of Christmas present!

Or maybe I’m a star?! I’m being photographed with every single person. Everyone wants my picture. But why didn’t anyone ask me for my autograph??? Next time can sell for money leh!!

Eh excuse me, another fan wants to be photographed with me. Bbl. *cheese!!* *flashes my 2 bottom baby teeth*

And everytime I kiss someone, take a photo with someone, smile at someone, my Mama collects a red envelop. See! So many! Can you imagine how many kisses and smiles I have to dish out??


It’s so tiring to be a cute baby. So much work to do. Sigh..! 可爱真是累人!


Hey you! You want to take a photo with my Jie Jie?? You have to ask me for my permission first.

First you give me a red envelop. Then fill in this questionnaire.
1. Occupation of mother
2. Occupation of father
3. Which university you will be attending in future? Please circle one. Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford
4. Number of toys you own.
5. What will you give my sister’s little brother every year.

See that group of boys filling in the forms?? Ya. Go n join them. Nah your q no.


Jiu Jiu finally set up the tripod and took our family photo.

Hey!! Why do I look so grouchy??? I wasn’t ready yet!! I want to take another one!! Jiu jiuuuuu!!


There! I look much more cheerful! Good work Jiu Jiu!! Keep it up!!

Who do you think I look like? Mama or Papa??


Hang on! How did my bare bottom picture get here?? Private collection!!

What?? Someone took it from my phone when I sent it in for repairs??? Noooo! I’m not Edi-Ming!!!! No no noooo!!

Ming Ming’s Diary – My First Lou Hei

Ming Ming’s Diary – My First Lou Hei

Massive backlog on my diary… What to do… Small fingers I have. It takes me very long to blog a post. Please bear with me!

2014 cny eve

Yesterday evening I had my first Lo hei!!


But I was too tired to Dayre about it. My normal bedtime is at 630pm. By the time Mama and Papa brought me home, it was almost 9pm. And me?? I was already in Lala land.

When I heard we were going for a Lo hei I was expecting something black (黑黑)but it was so colourful.


The waiter was chanting some prayers as he poured the ingredients onto the plates. I saw his ???splatter into the Lo hei. Eeeks! So I didn’t eat any, smart baby I am.


Then all the adults used their chopsticks to toss everything and more chanting and more saliva!!! ?

Ah..! Now I know. That’s Lo hei!!!

My Jie Jie said her fruits tasted better than the Lo hei. There she was. Eating the fruits.


Pretty babe right? I’m so proud of her. Anyone who wants to date her will have to go through me!!!

Let me see…. I like to drink milk!! Lots of milk. You will need to bribe me with milk then maybe I’ll consider introducing her to you. ?

And me? Haiz. I forgot to bring food. 1st time at the reunion dinner. So noob. Next time I’ll remember to bring my own food like my Jie Jie.

I can only play with my limited edition toy car.


I got bored with my toy car after a while. Hey! Adults take so long to eat their food. Sheesh!!


I had to walk around on the chairs and remind everyone to hurry up!! It’s past Ming Ming’s bedtime. Omg!!! It was way way past!! Hey I need to sleep so that my brain can develop!!! You are making my iq drop by a few notches!!!

Why is your mouth so small?? Like a guppy?? Open it bigger!!! Like this!! RAWR!! Eat faster!!!


I need to go home for my princely sleep. *yawn*

Lou Hei 2013! Huat Ah!

Lou Hei 2013! Huat Ah!

Yesterday was the last day of the Chinese New Year. We haven’t had the chance to Lou hei for good luck at all. We were too swamped with the birth of 小小宝贝, the everyday excursions to the polyclinic and hospital, the bouts of illness during that short period, and adjusting to a huge change of routine brought about by him.

We finally Lou Hei-ed yesterday evening!! It’s 宝贝’s first participative Lou hei. She was too “blur” the last 2 years to comprehend what it’s all about.

Check out the young enthusiastic Lou Hei-er!
