Pop the Corn AGAIN!
I hope I’m not addicted to popcorn! I have been munching more popcorn in these 2 months than I had in the last 5 years!!
It all started from the Cornery popcorn that I ate while watching the Lion King musical at the Marina Bay Sands. Check out my yummy account here. I have been comparing the Garrett popcorn and the Cornery popcorn. I concluded that the Cornery butterscotch popcorn is way superior to the Garrett Caramel popcorn.
I was at Ion Orchard and I chanced upon the Cornery store. One amazing thing – they have a HUGE number of flavors to pick from! Hmmm… what a difficult decision. All look so yummy. I chose the butterscotch (who ever forgets her first love??) and a cheese one.

There! My 2 tubs of Butterscotch and Cheese. I still love the butterscotch one! It still tastes WonderLicious! As for the cheese one, I find that it’s not as “well made” as the butterscotch one. The shape for one… it’s not round… And it is not coated evenly, with only one side having a sparse sprinkle of the cheese. You can see that in my photo. The cheese tasted like the snacks that I used to eat as a child. Compared to the Garrett’s one, the Cornery one tastes like it’s out of a snack bag. The Garrett’s one has a full-bodied cheesy taste. It’s nice and round and coated all over.
Verdict : Cheese – Garrett’s has a one up over the Cornery one.