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Category: Little Joys in Life

What I've Been Up to…

What I've Been Up to…

What I’ve been up to lately? Besides juggling my full time job of being home butler and numerous other ventures, I’m trying to put together my travel photos (in vain) and yes, I’ve picked up reading again. 

Sorry ‘Cher! Not the regular classics from our booklist, but it’s better than nothing right??? ?

It’s probably due to the lack of good dramas to watch at the moment. No decent ones with good looking male leads (a definite MUST!) and reasonably entrancing plots. I refuse to squander my time away on watching substandard ones. 

I’ve managed to finish a few fantasy books by Trudi Canavan (an Australian writer). I’ve loaded her books into my Kindle then forgot all about them. ? She’s no Rowling or Tolkien but her first set of books still managed to keep me glued to my kindle. 

I got bored with the 2nd set though. Sigh! Why is it so difficult to find a good fantasy genre writer?? Eagerly waiting for Rowling’s cursed Child. 

So now… I read Chinese Internet Novels! ??? Surprise! I know I know! Eh! Stop twitching your brows! 

The last time I read Chinese novels was in Germany!! When you’ve nothing to read, anything goes!! 

China drama was the spark that ignited the chain reaction. I’d always been anti cdramas because I found them boring (think 红楼梦! Gah! I was forced to read it for my book review in school! Couldn’t stand the wimpy Jia Bao Yu!) Only the 还珠格格 was watchable. Everyone told me that 步步惊心 was good. I downloaded it into my iPad and conveniently forgot about it. Haha! It seems like I keep downloading stuff without reading or watching them. 

I finally watched it years later (like 2 years ago) when I was overseas, without wifi. For a gadget addict, no wifi is like going through drugs withdrawal!! Ya! Couldn’t play my games! Go ahead! Plunder my bases!! ? 

I went through my downloads and decided to give 步步惊心 a shot. No fish, prawn also good yah?? After the first episode, I was hooked. That started my downward spiral into cdrama addiction….

It was based on an Internet novel by 桐华. I’ve a habit of reading the novel after watching the movie/drama to find the details that have been missed out. And vice versa… Complain about the details missed out on the movies based on my favourite novels… (Nitpicker I am!) 

(Side story : I hunted down the Chinese translated novel of The Ring after i watched it in the cinema. And gave myself more nightmares after that! It’s truly a brilliant book that explained the loopholes in the movie plot.)

Back to 步步惊心 novel, it’s extremely well written with the right touch of humor, romance and chim literary description and poems (I admit that I skipped some of these, just like how I skipped the bits with the incessant singing of Tolkien’s hobbits). No wonder she’s now elevated to the statue of 中国四宝. 

Once I find an author whom I like, I will not rest til I’ve finished reading all her books! She has the ability to draw the readers into the world that she’s created, imagine the scenary through her lyrical descriptions and step into the shoes of her characters, sharing their joys and pains. Once you start reading her books, you wouldn’t want to put them down. Even with some descriptive parts, being a little more chim, her books are extremely easy to read (well, at least I didn’t have to keep referring to my Chinese dictionary!). 

Another author whose books I’ve read is 顾漫. She specialises in writing modern novels that are quirky and fun to read. Though they are not as 文采绚丽 (in other words, chim) as 桐华’s books but I still like them enough to want to buy the physical books. Hehe. I like the way she names her characters in creative puns. The only complaint I have is that all her male characters are brooding epitomes of perfection and the females are competent when alone, but ditzy in the presence of the omni powerful male partners. 

Oh well, I’m still looking forward to the new cdrama which is based on one of her books. I’ve decided I’ve had enough of the angsty palace drama and I need some light hearted modern comedy. Look out for 微微一笑很倾城!

Recently I discovered that the library is well stocked with these books!!! Yay!!! ?



I unearthed a forgotten trove of journals when I was trying to locate one of my old travel journals to plan for my next holiday! 

I marveled at how legible my handwriting was! ? Back in 1998! Now, it has been reduced to a scrawl, though not quite up to the standard of the “Doctor font” yet. (Sigh! It goes to show that no matter how badly I write, I don’t have the potential to be a doctor. Oh well!)

I posted the picture in FB and some very wonderful friends praised my ex-handwriting. Ok! For that, I’ll endeavour to improve my current standard!! 

Some others were surprised that I actually kept journals. Yes! I did and I still do (very sporadically now). I’m still quite old school. I need to scribble on something for my ideas to take shape. 

I used to write in my diaries every day. When I go through them now, memories come back to me and yet they felt like a few lifetimes away. Those were part of me and yet, there’s no way I can write like that now. Not at this point of my life, with the current state of mind. I kind of miss the old me, with a naive set of idealism and can-do attitude (to the point of being “ti ki”). Ah! How nice it was, to be young, to have the “anything can be done” ??????, the silly squabbles, the shallow crushes. 

Looking back now, it seems that I had a whole lot more fun than what I have right now. It’s a chore to be a grown up! But at least I’ve had my good old wild days! Been there, done that!

Maybe, just maybe, one day, I can make the choice to unshackle myself from the mundane responsibilities and liabilities and be wild again?! But by then, already become old auntie already leh. Sigh…!

Everyone should start journaling! You will be surprised to read what you are writing now, 20 years later! It’s like recovering parts of your life. ?

*ti ki – hokkien for metal teeth. Aka persistent. 

Kids @ Work!

Kids @ Work!

Most people would tell you that it’s absolutely unprofessional to bring your children to work. It’s an unconceivable notion to do that in my previous 2 companies. 

However, I’m truly blessed that the current one that I’m at is truly pro family! Of course I don’t treat it as a childcare centre and bring my children there every day, but the bosses are accommodating to allow the once-in-a-whiles.  This is especially important for working mothers like me who have to juggle work and the numerous parental duties. 

Besides, to let the children see where I work and how I work is part of bonding. They know what I do and who my colleagues are when I leave them to go to work. 

And yes, when my parents were on holiday, my hub went on his overseas trip, and I still had to work, I’d bring the little ones to work. My wonderful colleagues would take turns to “childsit” them. 

There they were! Having fun at our Open house cum Oklahoma Project Launch event. Future judge and doctor. All this while, I was running around in the office, trying to juggle my time between my clients who had all decided to come at the same time despite my best effort of spacing them out on the schedule. ?

By one of my favourite authors –

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Charles Dickens

Stormy! Where are you???

Stormy! Where are you???

A long time ago,

in a country far far away…..

2 friends thought of me so,

Bought me some tit bits to make my day. 

Episode 7 was screening 

Star Wars was the trend. 

“Zhiwei would love these!”

Declared my lovely friends!
To do these biscuits justice 

Showcasing is a must!

Chewy, Vady, Jabba, C3PO

And many more of the cast!


Where’s the iconic Stormy?

A most thorough search was conducted 

But none could be found! Blimey! ? 

Nevertheless they were still yummy 

Satisfied I was!

To commemorate Star Wars

They ended up in my tummy!
Hahaha! Feeling very hungry while waiting for the 宝贝s to finish their classes. Thanks girls for the Star Wars biscuits!!!! All the way from Japan!! ?

小小宝贝's First Lion Dance! 

小小宝贝's First Lion Dance! 

Me: How did you find the Lion Dance?

小小宝贝: The lions are naughty naughty!

Me: ? Why?!

小小宝贝: Because after they ate the oranges, they spit their food out! Cannot spit food out! (Disapproving look) AND they threw rubbish all over the floor! Naughty naughty!!

There’s hope for the next generation! Keep Singapore litter free!! ?

My Sweet Valentine! 

My Sweet Valentine! 

Look what I’ve found underneath my pillow! 

Given to me by my Sweet Valentine! But I can’t open it til 14th Feb. ???

When I asked her about it, she coyly whispered, “Mommy, it’s a SECRET!”  

Little things like these brighten up my days. 

My lovely 宝贝, if you happen to read this one fine day, I just want to tell you, “I love you lots and lots!!” ???

Milk Kefir Popsicle

Milk Kefir Popsicle

The children have been clamouring for home made ice cream. I haven’t had time to make some for them. I need to make more desserts for bargaining chips!! ?

I had watermelon and milk kefir in my refrigerator and a set of brand new popsicle mould which I bought from Daiso (for only $2!! I love Daiso!!). My first popsicles in the making! ??????

I blended the watermelon and mixed in the milk kefir. Voila! Watermelon smoothie! Poured the mixture into the popsicle moulds and popped them into the freezer.

The mixture eventually separated into 2 layers. ? BUT my easy-going children loved them! Why? They are cold and they had 2 colours. ??? Anything cold goes with them.

I need to come up with more kefir popsicle recipes that don’t separate into layers though. Keep your eyes on my posts! ?

Ingredients :


Milk kefir


More kefir recipes

??Santa Claus is Coming to Town!??

??Santa Claus is Coming to Town!??

小小宝贝 has been in the Christmas mood for the last few months. I’ve been having live carolling in the house. BUT he has a quirky talent of changing the lyrics to suit himself. ?

You better watch out

You better not cry

You better not pout

I’m telling you why 

Santa Claus is coming to town 

He sees you when you’re pee-peeing 

He knows when you are awake 

He knows if you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake 

Me : Eh it doesn’t sound very right. Can you sing the part “he sees you when you’re…” again??

小小宝贝 : ?He sees you when you’re PEE-PEEING?

Me : pee-peeing!? Isn’t it sleeping?! 

小小宝贝 : No. Pee-peeing. Cannot dirty the toilet! Must pee into the toilet bowl! (Indignantly) Not sleeping!!! 

Me : ok ok. It does make sense. 

小小宝贝 continued his carolling, very smugly.  


Joy is…

Joy is…

Hearing the soft padding footsteps, then seeing a sleepy little boy drag a bolster taller than him appear before my bed at midnight. 

Rubbing his half closed eyes, in his baby voice, he said, “Mommy I want you…”

I had to follow him as he shuffled back to his room. Then he hugged my leg (instead of his bolster) and went back to his sleep. 

It’s all these little things that matter most in life. 

The FART! Ewww…!

The FART! Ewww…!


Me : Ewwww! What was that?!

小小宝贝 :A fart. (Without batting an eyelid)

Me : Who did that? (There were only 2 of us in the room. And it wasn’t me….)

小小宝贝 :(Nonchalantly lining up his toy cars in his OCD way) It’s Jie Jie. (Big Sister)

Me : How can that be?! Jie Jie is in school now.

小小宝贝 :(Still keeping his straight face) She farted very loudly in school so we can hear it here.

Me : =.=” (Poor, innocent, maligned Jie Jie) Little boys who tell lies don’t get to eat muffins.

小小宝贝 :(giggling cheekily) Mama it’s me, not Jie Jie! I farted!! See so loud! Can I have a muffin please?

Sigh… Things he does for food… Greed rules….

cheeky, food smeared face…