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Category: Little Joys in Life

My Little F1 Race Commentator

My Little F1 Race Commentator

“Mommy! The Ferrari crashed first!” Then he launched an animatedly detailed account of how Ferrari crashed its team out of the race. “And Mercedes is the best!!! It was no 1 at the F1!” 

Both his eyes lighted up as he described the entire F1 race as if he were present at the scene! 

The mystery was… “But you slept at 730pm last night and went to school this morning. When did you watch the F1 race??”

Heck! I didn’t even watch the race myself! I’m not an F1 fan. I read the account of it this morning on the news though. And at 4 years old, he couldn’t have read that. 

“Ohhh I didn’t watch it. I heard Ashton telling his friend.”

“Who’s Ashton???”

“He’s a K2 boy in the bus.”

“这么小就偷听人家讲话!” Popo remarked. (Translation : eavesdropping at such a young age! Grandma remarked.)

“NO! I didn’t!!! He said it very loudly! I was sitting in the first row and he was at the third!!” 小小宝贝 defended himself indignantly. ?

“You cannot say I 偷听! Say sorry to me!” ?

This reminds me that my little man is growing up. I need to check myself when I speak to other adults when he’s around. Sometimes he sounds awfully like me when he speaks…. all phrases must be G rating from now on. No more R rated phrases anymore. 

Oh and I caught someone reading my blog on the phone during her 10 mins a day allowance. ? Must be careful of what I write here henceforth. ?

Whatcha Looking At?!

Whatcha Looking At?!

Every time I look at his chubby “you want to fight” face, I would burst out laughing!

Oh well, starting my day off with something that’s dear to me. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Home Made Gluten Free Okara Crackers

Home Made Gluten Free Okara Crackers

Ever since I bought my soy milk maker, I have been churning out home made soy milk (and other plant milks like almond milk too!) and… lots of soy bean pulp…..  Well, I hate the idea of wasting stuff and those were premium organic soy bean pulp!!

If you google, you will be able to find various uses for the pulp and here’s one that I have tried out. Okara Crackers! I replaced the wheat flour in the recipe so that the crackers can be made gluten for my 宝贝.

Recipe for Gluten Free Okara Crackers

265g soya bean pulp (one round of soy milk will yield this amount – thereabout)

1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp salt

10tbsp one to one GF flour

herbs or cheese flakes or cinnamon sugar (optional) to create different flavours

Add all ingredients into a mixing bowl. Mix them until they achieve a pizza dough texture. Using a rolling pin, roll them as thin as you can. I prefer them thin so that they are crispy.  If they end up to thick, they become chewy in the middle. Cut them out into desired shapes. Fastest, most efficient shape – use a knife to cut them into squares or rectangles. If you want to make it into a fun-filled family event (be prepared to do a fair bit of cleaning up), use cute cookie cutters!

Oven setting : preheat 180°C. 15-20 minutes.

The kids love it! They can knead the dough like play dough, cut them up into their favourite shapes and EAT THEM!!! Yums!

Industriously cutting up his dough.

Messy but edible.

Little gingerbread boys and girls and a few animals to keep them company!

It’s a NO WORK Day!

It’s a NO WORK Day!

This morning, I decided that TODAY would be a NO WORK day. No office email, no thinking of work (ok ok, I made some work calls and messages, but really short ones!).

Morning – did my chores at home. Accompanied my grandmother to her rehabiliative care, had lunch with her, chit chatted with her and sat with her until she fell asleep.

Afternoon – listened to Mr. Talkative (aka 小小宝贝) tell me about his day at school, how he made his Vacuum cleaner gun (ya, another one of his numerous inventions. This one sucked up bad people.) with his best friend, ran him through his Shichida exercises and other brain training puzzles (which were languishing in neglect because I was too busy), practised his Yamaha music stuff with him. When 宝贝 came back from school, supervised her homework.

Evening – Rode through the park connectors with 小小宝贝 (shortened my life by a few years because of how he rode along the busy roads), while Miss 宝贝 preferred to play with her friends (Sigh! 女大不中留).

Night – Patted both of them while listening to them whisper sweet nothings to me, telling me how much they love me. Finally, I got to read my book. My new year’s resolution (every year!) was to reduce my pile of “Want to read, but no time to read” books.

It’s been a long time. And I kind of like it. Say… I really can get used to a life like that! Maybe it’s time to give it some serious consideration….?

The Rolling Distum 

The Rolling Distum 

Creativity on a rainy day…

He is forever building stuff. It’s in his blood… 

Introducing… (drum roll?) T.H.E ROLLING DISTUM!!!!!! 

Huh?? Simi Lai eh? 

The “rolling Distum” is the pile of car tracks on top. It rolls (obviously). He makes them in variations of different lengths and rolls them off the top of the stairs to see which one comes down first, rolls further, cracks and lots of other test factors (I’ve lost track). 

Oh and I have absolutely no inkling what “Distum” means. He made it up as he liked the sound of it. Pronounce it properly ok!! He gets annoyed when we mispronounce it. It’s DIS TUM!

By the way, the structure under it isn’t part of the mighty “Rolling Distum”. It’s just a train which transports them to the top of the stairs and back to the yard for repairs. 

– Mommy Reporter signing out. 

Car Rides with the Little Ones! I Love THEM!

Car Rides with the Little Ones! I Love THEM!

“How do you know whom she has recess with every day? And that she plays badminton during recess?!” the Hub asked in surprise.

“Of course! I asked her when I drove her to school.  Don’t you talk to her when you drive her to school every day?! You have already driven her for half a year!!” The hub is 宝贝’s regular chauffeur, aka taxi driver. I took over as the relief driver when he had to go overseas for a business trip.

“No leh… Both of us are very tired in the morning. So we just listen to the music on the radio… ”

Well, I LOVE car rides to bits!

I have been chauffeuring my 宝贝s to classes, because my job has more flexibility with regards to working hours. (However, that means that I can practically work round the clock! I often go back to the office at 6pm in the evenings, after dropping the kids home after classes.)

I have always believed in interacting with them even when they were babies. (Ok. I admit that I’m Miss Talkative!) Even before they started talking, I would carry on monologues with them in the car, while I drove. They would be able to reply in their own baby talk, even though they were not able to form words yet. Or we would sing nursery rhymes together (they chimed along in their baby language) as we sped down the expressways.

When they get older, they would tell me what happened in schools and what they have been doing at home.  Even my 小小宝贝 would actively participate with his limited vocabulary. It’s hilarious to hear his descriptions and he often surprises me with new words, which he’s probably picked up from here and there.

This is the best time for parent-child bonding, when we are enclosed within the space, when we are in “a world of our own”. In the car, she tells me who her BFFAE (for the uninitiated ones, it means Best Friend Forever And Ever) is, who her BFF (Best Friend Forever, yes… there IS a differentiation.) is, who the naughty kids in school are, what her aspirations are, how many times her little brother hit her, how proud she is of her small little achievements. It is also during these car rides, when she learns to ask me about others, how great-grandmother is, when she will be discharged from the hospital, what I did for assembly when I was in primary school and more.

So, if you think ferrying your children around is a waste of your time, think again. Time is never wasted if you know how to utilise it. We were on this topic during this morning’s car ride (yes… the Hub is on business trip again…).

She queued twice to get 2 plates of chicken rice because she was hungry after devouring one plate (I have no idea where all these extra food went on her skinny frame) and she didn’t have time to go to the library or play badminton because of that. So today, she’s just going to queue once and buy a bigger portion.

So, I tell her, during the car rides, that my aspiration is to be her BFFAEAE! (must be one up from the BFFAE!)


Ming Ming's Diary – Monday Blues….

Ming Ming's Diary – Monday Blues….

It’s Monday. Why do adults call it Monday blues?? I like blue! They should call it Monday blacks. 

After the fun filled weekend, everyone’s gone to school/work. Except for me. I’ll just have to do self play. Unless you want to come and play with me???

I can share my toys with you!!! 

Hmmm… Now that everyone’s gone out, I need to plan my day and think of what I should do next. Let me drink some of my brain juice first. 

*suck suck* I find it helpful to my thinking process when I’m drinking.

What am I drinking??? Beer of course!! Haven’t you seen the advertisement?!

Give that man a tiger! RAWR!!!! ???

What do you mean mine’s not beer? I’ve been drinking beer since I was born!!

How can I not know if it’s beer or not??


Ahhh!!! You are trying to bluff me! Just because I’m little doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I’m drinking! 


Drowning my sorrows in beer? Certainly not. I’m still trying to decide what I want to do today.

You are disturbing my thought process. ?

We, men, are focused minded creatures. Cannot multitask. Ya! Since caveman days….

Focus focus Ming Ming!!!

*suck suck* 

Should I play with my cars? Or my train? Or my building blocks? Or my Legos? Or my walker?

Oh man!!! Choices choices choices! 

Maybe rolling my eyes up can help with my focus. *roll eyes*

What??? You mean I’ve spent the whole morning thinking that my Jie Jie is back from school???

Yippee!!! No more thinking is necessary! Now I can play with with Jie Jie!!!


I’ve thought so hard for her to come home and now she has!!!

The universe has answered my request! Mighty Ming Ming!

Jie Jie! Come! Let’s rock n roll!!

Ming Ming's Diary – Slippery Slip Module 101

Ming Ming's Diary – Slippery Slip Module 101

Look at this engineering wonder at Punggol Park!
Hahaha! I didn’t build this. I’m so flattered that you think I did. 

Hey! Papa! Watch me ok!!
This is how you crawl up a slide. For you you need to turn sideways so that you don’t get stuck. 
Teaching Papa the playing on the slide module 101. 

Ming Ming's Diary – Visit to the SEA (Aquarium) 

Ming Ming's Diary – Visit to the SEA (Aquarium) 

Have you ever been to the SEA?? Well I have?? Gosh! I wonder why they call it the aquarium when I saw more people there than fishes. 
The fishes must have had a whale of a time watching the human exhibits. 

Anyway, we can’t possibly go there all the time. So Jie Jie and I take turns to pretend that we are visiting the SEA. 
Make believe is supposed to make us smarter! And I do so want to be smarter. And so…

It’s my turn to visit the SEA. 
Woah!! Look at the shark!!! Hey! I see a turtle and… A mermaid!!!
HEHEHEHE just kidding!! ?

Check it out!!! That fish is waving at me!!! 

Hmmm… The glass is dirty… Obstructing my sea view….
*hor….* *blows hot air onto the glass to clean it*

Ok nice and clean. Hi mermaid!!
Huh??? My turn?? So fast?? You mean it’s my turn to be the fish already? Awww… I was just getting warmed up. ?
Oh oh well… 

*blurp blurp blurp*
I’m a fish! I’m a fish! *goldfish lips*
I’m totally professional at this!
*blurp blurp blurp*

Ah ha!!! Is that a fish stick?! I’m going to bite it!!!! 
See the sticker there?? It says no knocking on the fish tank! ?

Gosh! All that fish blurping thing is tiring. Need some food. 

Ming Ming's Diary – I'm Back!!

Ming Ming's Diary – I'm Back!!

Oh hi everyone! I missed so many days of blogging because I thought so hard about who to choose (Laura or Taylor) that I conked out for so long. 
But I’m back in town today! 

These 2 (garethfoo, ivozboy ) tsk so blatant!!!

We can’t discuss this on social media ok!! We need to take it offline. Offline!!! Ssshhh!!

@xeolye Jiu Jiu, tips ah? Let me see…. I need a new phone… It’s so hard to get my hands on a phone at home these days. So difficult to update my blog.. A new phone in exchange for tips. How about that?? It’s ok… I can settle for an iPhone 6. Doesn’t have to be iPhone 6s. ?