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Category: Deep Thoughts

Seriousness I experience once in a while.

Sequel to the LG Refrigerator Saga

Sequel to the LG Refrigerator Saga

The maddening call to the LG customer hotline on Saturday morning left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

I vented it out on social media and felt much much better. No need to practise yoga. Bitching on social media is also a form of destressing….

I stuck the photo of the burnt hole on the LG Singapore Facebook page and on Monday I received a follow up message in my Facebook mailbox and then a phone call from them.

Ok folks, ditch the hotline number. The service center is useless!!! Just go to the Facebook page!! Thank you Mark! For making a difference to our lives by starting Facebook!

They sent a Korean specialist to my home today to check out the Fridge foc. According to my Mom who was present (I was at work) the Korean was very “gan jiong” about the condition of the fridge and swore that it’s the first time it’s ever happened in the LG history. Gee! I must really go and buy 4d for this. So lucky ya!

He called me up and apologised profusely and offered to loan us an LG fridge until my new one arrives on Thursday. According to him, they were bringing the fridge back and were arranging for a team of specialists to fly in from Korea to investigate this.

What a vast difference in the attitudes! Compared to the laissez faire self righteous attitude of the LG customer hotline staff (backed by the various parties he consulted) this was indeed a 180° change.

He promised to let me know the results of their investigation.

The replacement fridge arrived in 2 hours. Pretty impressive turnaround time.

Meanwhile they should look into their hotline staff’s attitude. A lot can be done to it. And yes, the hotline personnel pissed me off. Big time!!


Scammer or Psychopath?

Scammer or Psychopath?

It all started with a phone call… and now it’s stretched into a saga… I can’t exactly complain that my life is too boring.

17 March 2014 Monday 1pm

“Hi! I would like to speak to Zhiwei.  I’m Adams Chew calling from Globalonline…” Then he rattled on about something.  I had already tuned out, because I was up to my neck with work and it was probably a sales call, until he said, “I met you when you were in One Fullerton. Are you still with XXX?”

Me : Yes. (Not very interested to talk to him plus I was trying to multi task.)

Mr Weirdo : So is your office still at One Fullerton?

Me : No. (Monosyllabic and super sian tone – Doesn’t he get the HINT?!”)

Mr Weirdo : So where is it now?

Me : Republic Plaza

Mr Weirdo : Oh is it on XXth floor? (Trying to pull a fast one huh? He obviously knew where my office was and tried to pretend that he didnt?! Alarm bells ringing!!)

Me : Yes.

Mr Weirdo : Ok I want to know what you are selling now.

Me : Same thing as last time. No change.

Mr Weirdo : I want to know what’s your latest projects. I will put you down on my calendar at 3pm. I will come to your office.

Me : Sorry. I have a contract signing appointment at 3pm. I’m not free.

Mr Weirdo : Ok I will come at 4pm.

Me : I may not be finished by 4pm. (Oh Wow! This is the first time, someone is so desperate (drop dead desperate) to invest with me and I’m turning him away.)

Mr Weirdo : I will call you.

Me : …….

17 March Monday 4pm

He really called my hp!! I refused to pick it up and sent the number to my iphone block list. I was trying very hard to clear all my work so that I could meet my hot date for dinner!

Then my office phone rang.

My HR manager called me,”Zhiwei, are you expecting someone here at 4pm?? There’s someone here to see you.”

OMFG! He actually showed up at my office!! I decided to allocate 15 precious minutes to send him away. So, resignedly, I walked to the reception…

Eh… he’s not there wor.  Phew!

My HR manager asked me, “There’s this weirdo by the name of Adams Chew.  He showed us your namecard and told us that you are meeting him at 4pm.  Do you know him?”

Me : Noooo! He just called me out of the blue and sounded desperate to invest with me!

HR : Anyway, I told him that if you are meeting him, you would have been waiting for him at the reception.  I sent him away and told him that you were not in the office. (At this, my eyes were filled with tears of gratitude.) By the way, this is not the first time that he’s been here.”

Me : Nooo?? (And the saga unfolds.)

HR : He was here last week to look for E and W.  He asked E to give him $50 and refused to leave.  In the end, E gave him a scolding and sent him off.  He also stalked W outside the office.

Me : Fwah!!! I have been saved!! Gam Sia Gam Sia!

And so, I thought that’s the end of it.  Having blocked his calls and all.

Then I saw on my brother’s facebook that he met a weirdo.  We crossed references and found out that it was the same guy!!! What’s he doing?! Calling all the investment consultants in Singapore?

He posted a blog post on his encounter. After that, friends did CSI and sent me his picture.

Adams chew

I forwarded the picture to my HR manager who sent it to the receptionists so that they could keep a lookout for this dodgy character.

18 March Tues

I had a blissful call free Tuesday from him.

Apparently, after my brother left him high and dry without paying for his lunch at Coffee Club, he called my colleague W to go down to pay for his lunch?! I’m not sure if he’s bonkers or what.  Anyway, ICA, please look out for him.  He may try to gatecrash the JB customs again like the rest who pleaded insanity.

19 March Wed 950am

I was in the sales area, just minutes from a project launch.  I received a “no caller id” call and took it. And his voice boomed out at me! He’s become smarter.  He must have known I blocked his call and called me from another number!

Mr Weirdo : I came and look for you on Monday, your receptionist said you left the office?

Me : Yes. I was out of office.

Mr Weirdo : Ok I will come and look for you at 11am.

Me : Sorry I’m busy.

Mr Weirdo : What time are you free?

Me : Why do you want to meet up with me?

Mr Weirdo : I want to know about your new projects.

Me : You have already tried to contact my colleagues so you already know about the new projects.  There’s nothing new for me to share with you. Besides I have many clients and I am already very busy.  I have no time to take on new clients.

Mr Weirdo : ….

Meanwhile, all the associates in the sales area were staring at me with their mouths open. Hmm… This one arh! So atas! Turn away clients!! Waaaa!!! Sigh… If only they knew the full story….

*Pat myself on my back* You’d think this is the end right?! Noooooo….

19 March Wed 11am

Received SOS from HR manager.  The receptionists sounded the alert when they realised that Mr Weirdo walked into the office, looking for E.  We had an event at 12 noon. And he had self invited himself for the event, giving the excuse that E invited him and that he would come back at 12 noon again.

So our big boss (my hero!) decided to end the nonsense once and for all, instructed the receptionists to put him in a secluded room to “Pia zui”! No lar.. just kidding.

19 March Wed 12 noon

He appeared on the dot. We were all summoned to the room while the big boss had it out with him.  He stuck to his story about having a lot of money locked up in Uk and wanted E to give him $600 to unlock the funds so that he can invest with us, and all the shit etc.

Big Boss told him to stop harassing us, to stop asking us to go and pay for his lunch or to ask for $600 etc. And that, if he comes again, we will call the police.  And then he was escorted to the lift.  He loitered around the lift lobby and refused to press the button. ICA take note hor. Potential customs breach. E helpfully pressed the button for him to summon the lift up.

Meanwhile, all of us lined up at the door to send him off.  The associates thought we were expecting some VVIP because the big boss was there personally at the door.

FWAH! Talk about Tw drama saga. This is real life ok!!!! Anyway, hope that this is the end of it.

Meanwhile, take note of this and BEWARE!!!

19 march wed 140pm

I was retelling my brother what happened…


A Gash in the Neck

A Gash in the Neck

It’s our family curse. I’ve hyperthyroid but it’s been under control for a decade. My brother has very serious thyroid disorder. He’s the unlucky chap.

His thyroid gland was so strong that the iodine treatment was unable to bring it under control. Thus he opted for surgery…

Here are the horror photos!



Here’s the close up. When I saw it, I just imagined if the gash had been on my neck, I couldn’t help feeling an imaginary pain there. It still has knotted thread ends on both sides. The tubes to drain the blood out of the wound are still attached through the 2 ends.

My skin simply crawls at the thought of foreign body in the body. Eeks!


One of the containers to collect the blood from the wound.

Hope the wound heals soon or he’s going to be Mr Frankenstein. My heart simply goes out to him. He’s such a Mr. Nice Guy and yet so unlucky.

Get well soon little brother! ???



I have received many letters of resignations, heck, I have even sent out termination letters.  But none has stirred such mixed feelings like the one that I have just received today. I had known that it would come eventually, for a long while ago actually.  But when it finally appeared, despite being prepared for it, it had the aura of finality.

In my line of work (sales), people come and go, we have got used to the high turnover rate.  But what made this person so special, was because I have been studying, playing, working with him practically almost all my life.  He was the 2nd person I recruited into the organisation after I was promoted to the rank of a manager.  He was someone I had highly depended upon during the course of work.  When I had no one to eat lunch with, he was my lunch companion.  He’s someone who was always around whenever help was needed.

Morale has been low since the restructuring and the departure of some influential bosses.  Some people put it behind and moved on.  Some don’t.  The organisation evolved. Not good, not bad, just very very different.

I’m going to be lonely once he’s gone.  Work will be all the more… work, now.  But life goes on.

Still, I’m very happy for him that he has finally found the courage to step out and pursue life outside this place.  It’s no mean feat, having been here for the last 9 years, to step out of his comfort zone.  I hope that he will be able to pursue his dreams and passion henceforth.

No more lunch kaki anymore, no more soundboard to bitch to, but at least he will be a happier person out there.

Sail forth, my friend, show the world what you can do!!!

A Heartwrenching Blog

A Heartwrenching Blog

I seldom cry. But when I started reading this blog, I just couldn’t help myself. A friend shared this on her Facebook, I knew it was going to be sad, but I didn’t expect it to be so heart wrenching. My tears just started flowing…..

My heart went out to the brave little baby who had to battle EB ( junctional epidermolysis bullosa) from birth. Any form of abrasion causes blisters and sores on the skin. The pain and sufferings that he had to go through was something that I could never have imagined. And his selfless mother who gave up everything to take care of him. For a mother whose life revolved around him, the loss was devastating.

In between reading and tearing, i had the impulse to drop everything, rush home to give my 2 little ones the biggest hugs possible. When I read stories like this on the net, all the more I feel grateful that I’ve been blessed with 2 healthy and adorable children.

My simplest wish is for them to grow up happy and healthy, create value for society. Not everyone can be a Mozart, a Picasso or an Einstein. As long as they are happy and bring joy to the people around them, that’s good enough.

Meet Tripp here.

Courtney writes beautifully from her heart. Before you start reading, you may want to find yourself a quiet corner. It will not be a good idea to read it while having your make up on…

Let Them Grow

Let Them Grow

“She doesn’t know how to take the bus.”
“You must be kidding!! Isn’t she in Sec 2 this year?! I went around on buses when I was in Primary 5!!”
“Well, she’s always been ferried around by her mother…”

Oh my goodness…

Overprotective parents. Are we helping or harming our children?? Sure, these youngsters are academically brilliant but completely inept in handling normal day to day stuff.

I even see it in 宝贝. She’s been ferried around so much that taking mrt and bus are treats. I recall that it was the other way round for me. Buses (mrts were only operational very much later) were the norms. Car rides were the treats!!

When I gossiped with my friends about these “lucky” kids, it made me more mindful that I need to stop mollycoddling my children. Sometimes, for the sake of convenience, we “help” them with their tasks. Are we really helping or over helping??

We sometimes underestimate the abilities of our children. They are in fact, very capable of performing many tasks. We, parents, should have confidence in them and let them do it.

宝贝 was able to feed herself at a very young age. Of course, we went through lots of cleaning up and soiled clothes before we reached that stage. It was so tempting to just take over the spoon and shovel the food into her mouth so that I could save myself the task of cleaning up the entire mess!! I shudder at seeing grown up children (even the ones in primary schools) being fed by their parents and maids at the restaurants or even at family functions. Ok, I’d rather go for the mess at home during training than to be caught dead with an academically brilliant imbecile who still requires feeding at an advanced age.

Sure, she wants me to help her with everything, if she has the choice. It’s the easy way out. i usually let her choose – either she does it herself or everything remains status quo. No coercion or begging. Her choice.

Definitely, if the tasks are dangerous to perform at her age, I’d definitely take over. Her grandmas and some friends of mine think I’m too brave. Their idea of “safe” differs from mine at times. :p

There’s no better time than now to let go and let them learn. In fact, I have to constantly remind myself to let go for I can’t take care of her forever.

At the age of 3.5, she can do the following things (which I think all children of her age should be able to do) :
– Use the toilet on her own with the help of the handy ikea stool. That stool is worth every single cent and a hundred times more!!
– Dress herself.
– Prepare her own breakfast. Simple one of course.
– Feed herself.
– Pack her schoolbag.
– Walk home after she alights from her school bus
– Set the table (cutlery and plates) for the whole family at mealtimes.
– Bring her own dirty plate and cutlery back to the kitchen.
– Return her toys and books back to their original places after use.
– Do her own laundry. (Just putting them into the laundry basket and then into the washing machine, turn on the washing machine at the right setting).
– Use the phone, dial the correct numbers and “buy” groceries, (She places her grocery orders with my Dad. Haha.) or simply chit chat. She remembers a few people’s numbers for this purpose.
– Send whatsapp messages with single words.

Quite a long list! Next one on the list – bathe herself adequately.

Of course she gets treats when she does her chores. I just have to take the risk of cleaning up the mess if she fouls up. But hey! It’s for the long term benefit. Think of the amount of time and money you can save when she can help out with the household chores??


Meanwhile… Here’s my little housemaid in her Hello Kitty apron. That’s extra incentive. She likes to look good when she’s performing household chores. :p

Simple Joys in Life

Simple Joys in Life

While 2000-4000 (reported by different sources) protested in the drizzle at Hong Lim against the White Paper, I was snuggling in bed with my littlest one.

Getting him to sleep is not easy. He’s wildly alert and loves entertainment ranging from lame jokes, whistling, dancing, by his parents and doting sister. That’s of course, secondary to his primary need for milk (survival instincts).

To have him snuggle and cradled in my arm is pure joy. Watching his little eyelids flutter gently as sleep takes over him is a kind of pleasure that is unique. His quiet breathing, shown by his little tummy just compounds it. He will remain little for so short a time. This time I must savour every minute of it as it will never return.

To take note of every little joy in life is a new resolution that I’ve made. This includes not taking everything I own for granted, to cherish what I have.

The country life I led in Germany years ago opened my eyes to the blue skies, white clouds, green fields, my nose to the fragrance of the fresh air and flowers and my other senses to other aspects of life. But, after coming back to the city, the hustle and bustle of it has made me forget what I’ve learnt to appreciate.

Well, it’s not too late to remember. And my little ones’ childhoods will come and go by.



Bug Attack!!

Bug Attack!!

Today I made my maiden trip to the Bedok polyclinic. 小小宝贝 still has breastmilk jaundice so we need to bring him for a bilirubin test every few days. Usually the hub brings him there with the confinement lady. But she has gone home and so it has to be me.

I’ve heard stories on how packed the polyclinic was. Practically packed from wall to wall. This morning it was not as packed as I’ve imagined it to be. The hub defended his story with the “it’s raining” excuse.

So yes, instead of 100% packed. It’s 50% packed. Still quite crowded. It’s not the crowd that bothered me. Ok ok, if you’ve been following my blog, you’d know that i hate crowds. But there’s something worse than that!! It’s a room full of sick people who have no civic consciousness to wear face masks to prevent the spread of virus and cough/sneeze without covering their faces. Mega YUCKS!!

It’s like a battlefield in there. You have to be on your toes and keep a look out. You need to watch their body language and dodge that dangerous cough or sneeze. If you are not careful you will end up with a full blast in your face!! Eeks! Especially for me as I was carrying a vulnerable 1 month old!! In the end I kept him covered under my breastfeeding shawl. Hopefully it’d block the bugs.

The only time face masks flew off the shelves of the pharmacies was during the SARS period. Everyone was wearing a mask and giving the “evil eye” to the person who coughed or sneezed without wearing one. As time went by, the forgetful humans quickly forget how SARS was spread. And soon fell back to our laid back and unhygienic ways.

We have yet to develop a civil culture like the Japanese or the Taiwanese who put on face masks when they are ill to prevent the spread of disease to others. Singapore, a very densely populated city, should all the more practise this. It will be unthinkable if there’s an outbreak in Singapore.

This is a habit that should be cultivated from young. Schools should inculcate this behavior in our youngsters so that it becomes a part of our lives. Anyone who is recovering from an illness should wear a mask to school.

For hot spots like clinics and hospitals, MOH (Ministry of Health) should make it mandatory for every sick person to don the mask at the entrance.

While I was at the polyclinic, the scene from the movie “Ebola Syndrome” (a 1996 “horror” movie starring Anthony Wong) kept replaying in my mind. The Ebola carrier coughed/sneezed (I can’t remember) without covering his mouth and the virus was transmitted to everyone around him. As you can imagine, I was cringing every time a person coughed or sneezed freely around him. Eeewww! I had to find the most isolated corner (really a feat in a crowded room) with my back to the wall, in an ever ready battle stance.

The ordeal was finally over in 2 hours. Phew!

Adding an afterthought, since everyone is so uncivilized, the only other way would be to wear a face mask to prevent yourself from being infected.

How 2 Words Can Hurt A Little One

How 2 Words Can Hurt A Little One

I was waiting for the cashier to gift wrap my purchase when a little boy tiptoed and put a little toy car and a $10 note on the counter. He should be about 5 years old.

While waiting, his mother asked him,”how much change are you supposed to get back?”

He replied, “$5”.

A sharp, curt retort, “NO! WRONG!”

His little face looked crestfallen, he looked down and shifted his weight to his other foot.

I must never to do this to my children.

The Miracle of Life

The Miracle of Life

Watching him sleep, I wonder to myself. It’s a miracle that he was made in 9 months. And I actually carried him around in me until just a few days ago. Can’t imagine how he had fitted in.

The miracle of life…
