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Category: Deep Thoughts

Seriousness I experience once in a while.

Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Make Your Lives Extraordinary!

Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Make Your Lives Extraordinary!

It just so happened that when I opened my Facebook this morning, the first piece of news that I read was the death of Robin Williams. Initially I thought it was a hoax (some bo Liao people start death hoaxes about celebrities all the time) and I googled about it. To my dismay, the major news channels were reporting it.

“The world has lost a great actor” was the headlines of most news articles (with slight variations). I grew up with Robin Williams’ movies. It was during my “age of freedom” (the beginning of the time when parental approval was freely given to go out with my friends) so I watched a lot of movies and that was the peak of Robin Williams’ acting career. As a result, I watched a lot of his movies, from comedies to inspirational ones.

My favourite Robin Williams’ movie would have to be “Dead Poets Society”.


I love his rousing performance as John Keatings who inspired his students to think, to feel, to live! Perhaps it was because I could identify with the impressionable youths as I was one myself at that time. It was exhilarating to see a literature teacher being so unconventional (I was petrified by my very fierce English teacher at that time. I hope she’s not reading this…). It also helped a lot that the movie had some really good looking actors. I was quite enamoured with Ethan Hawke at that time.

Although when I watched the movie again as an adult, I felt that he was not being totally responsible by being too extreme.

Nevertheless, the movie was inspiring enough that vivid scenes reappear in my mind at the mention of Robin Williams or Dead Poets Society. That is, perhaps, one of the greatest gifts that Robin Williams has given me.

The most memorable scene :

I call it – standing on the table scene.

When John Keatings started standing on the table, reciting, “O Captain my captain!”

“Why do I stand up here? Anybody? I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.” It’s almost as synonymous as Scout Finch “To kill a mockingbird” to wear that person’s shoes and walk around in it.

“Carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.”

And the final scene when all the boys started standing on the desks one by one, as John Keatings was leaving the school.

That was indeed a moment of courage and gratitude.

Other less well remembered quotes :

“I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself.”

“Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Don’t be resigned to that. Break out!”

Thank you Robin Williams for delivering the lessons of life through your movies. Rest in Peace.

Singapore – This is Home Truly!

Singapore – This is Home Truly!

9th August – This day, every year, I feel proudest to be a Singaporean. This is the day when all political parties set aside their differences and celebrate as one country.

This is the day the whole nation waves flags at the national day parade or sits glued to the television watching the live telecast. (Oh and the day you find the social media filled with proud declarations of Singaporeans!)

On this day, everyone waits for the arrival of our MM Lee Kwan Yew and cheers exuberantly as his face appears on the screen. I look forward to see him for more years to come! Yes! Call me a LKY die-hard fan for he’s truly an enigma and has worked relentlessly with his comrades til today to propel Singapore to what we are today!

9th August is the day when I look back and be thankful that

– I was born in this country where everyone, regardless of race or gender, is given an opportunity to receive education and to excel if one truly works hard.

– I can walk safely (still with vigilance) at most times of the day, free from fear of war.

– I can travel to many countries in the world easily without the need of applying for a visa.

– I can arrive at Changi Airport close to midnight and still marvel at the life, vibrancy and efficiency of a world class airport.

– when I see the homeless in developed and developing countries, Singaporeans have basic shelters over their heads.

– when friends from overseas complain about their social welfare system supporting parasites who refuse to work, simply because of the generous dole payout, to know that Singaporeans still strive to support themselves. Although I do acknowledge that more can be done to help the ones who have slipped through the holes of social aid.

So, everyday, while we bitch and complain about our jams, mrt breakdowns, expensive car and home ownership, I still look forward to the first glimpse of the Changi control tower as the plane flies towards Singapore.

This is where my family and friends are. This is home, truly.


Sunday Morning Snapshot – Giant Snail!

Sunday Morning Snapshot – Giant Snail!

Sunday. Rain. ?cool weather.

Lounging at the dining area, watching the raindrops ? splitter splatter on the balcony, when we spotted a brown patch on the wall.


It’s huge! Check out its size in proportion to the plastic milk bottles on the bottom of the picture!!

There were lots of squealing and exclamations ⚠️⚠️. Because we are a bunch of suaku urbanites. Even though my childhood was spent catching tadpoles, grasshoppers and other-unnamable-bugs in the gardens, I haven’t seen such a huge snail. The ones I’ve seen were usually half its size or flattened ones.


Check out a close up shot of it! What a beauty!! Ok ok it’s not exactly a masterpiece shot. I was carrying a wriggling 小小宝贝 (who happens to weigh 11kg and was excitedly waving his arms and gesturing at the snail) with my left arm, and trying to snap Mr. Snail from an awkward angle so that it’s not against the light. So, ya, that’s the result of it.

One of the little things to appreciate in life. Taking time off to smell the roses and snapping snails.

Coincidentally, 宝贝 and I are in the midst of reading this book – the snail and the whale.


A fine good read by the same author who wrote the award winning “Gruffalo”. Beautifully illustrated with a simple yet thought provoking storyline and wonderful rhyming words. How a whale brought a little snail on an adventure around the world and how that tiny spelling snail eventually saved the life of the huge whale.

Moral of the story : Spelling is important. Every creature counts, even small little ones.

Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic Eczema

It all started with a few tiny blisters on my palms and my soles. Just mildly irritating but nothing more than that. I started getting worried when more appeared.

The last time I had this, it was HFMD (hand foot mouth disease). But… none of my children was down with it this time. And I had neither fever nor sore throat (well, I did lose my voice and it’s still hoarse because I overused my voice box. Over 10 hours of continuous usage with little chances of water drinking. I need to give myself a gag order!! ?) This time I couldn’t have been so suay or “cannot make it” to get it when no child in the household had it, right?! *rolls eyes*

I googled (no one uses the word “search” anymore. Google has pulverized the usage of search. Even 宝贝 says,”Mama if you don’t know anything, just google loh!!” ?) on the symptoms – red rash, impossibly itchy, blisters on palms and feet soles. The search results turned up with hfmd but only if it’s accompanied with fever and sore throat. Or else it’s dyshidrotic eczema.

Gosh! How I hate this word eczema. It’s been plaguing me (because 宝贝 has it) for years and years. It’s probably due to something I ate. But I’ve been eating all kinds of food everyday so it’s kind of hard to pinpoint it.

I have this once every few years. The last time I had it was probably 5-6 years ago. So rightly, I should be very thankful that it’s so occasional.



I just have to endure the itch and pinprick pains when the little blisters combine. The dastardly things don’t itch in the day, but torment me at night!!! I can now totally empathize with 宝贝 now when she scratches her arms. It’s unbearable for me, as an adult and I’ve pretty high tolerance for pain and itch.

It’s been more than a week. Some of the early blisters have dried up yet new ones have been appearing. They have started to spread to the back of my hand.


It appears to be healing though. I pop the occasional antihistamine when it gets unbearable and I’ve hijacked 宝贝’s supply of anti itch sprays and creams.

Once all the blisters have dried up, the skin will flake and peel off.

So looking forward to that day.

I promise I’ll henceforth, stop giving 宝贝 the frown and impatient look, tsk at her, “ooi! Stop scratching leh!!” On the bright side, maybe I got it so that I can live through for a few weeks of what she’s gone through for years.

She gently takes my hand and strokes it. “Mama if it’s itchy, tell me ok?” Then smiles empathetically with her Bambi eyes. In that very moment, I’m the most fortunate mother on earth and yet I’m so humbled. She will make a better Mom than I am in future. That’s my darling girl…

Some More Joy is…

Some More Joy is…

I kind of like my “joy is…” post, so here’s more of it… I’m writing this as I’m watching him turn into a cute new sleeping position in the dark. It’s these little things that make my day.

Joy is watching him sleep with his mouth open like a goldfish. Utterly adorable.

Joy is coming home to find one of them still awake (usually it’s 宝贝 because of her later bedtime), her eyes lighted up in delight and screaming, “Mama!!!!” as I plod up the stairs.

Joy is reading a bedtime story with her and having both of us role play the characters (usually animals… Get the drift??) in the silliest fashion.

Joy is watching him wake himself up from the sound of his own fart. *guffaws*

Joy is listening to my Mom narrating how he pranced around the house in his new hat (I brought it back from Florida for him), then instructing her to carry him to the mirror so that he could preen before it and smile at his own reflection. My vain boy!

There! Enough joy to keep me smiling in my sleep til tomorrow! ???

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas


I picked up the book (ebook to be more precise) after positive reviews from Ed. I knew that it was about the holocaust. So I was expecting bad news at the end of it.

It was written from the perspective of an innocent 9 year old. I was put to ease by the delightful childish observations of Bruno, the young protagonist of the story. The guileless friendship between him and the-boy-in-striped pyjamas brought down my “defense” against the “bad news”.

It’s a thoroughly enjoyable story. That’s why the ending caught me unaware. The ending was more poignant to me, for the fact that I’ve a little boy.

No more spoilers from me. Highly recommended read. Not suitable for bedtime story though. It took me a while to fall asleep after finishing it.

Joy is…

Joy is…

Joy is him clutching my fingers in his little toddler hands while he sleeps. Because I know that one day his hands will outgrow mine and he won’t need me anymore.

Joy is him wanting me to cuddle him while he sleeps. Because I know that he will soon outgrow my cuddles and cease being a mommy’s boy.

Joy is having his sweet sleeping face just a breath away from mine. Because I know that he will soon want to have his own bed and room and a life of his own.

Joy is to savour the present moment and appreciate how lucky I am.

The Act of Belittling Others

The Act of Belittling Others

The good thing about my job is I get to lim kopi with many people at various parts of the day. Bad for dieting though. And of course, I get to hear gossips about people whom I may or may not know. This is an afterthought from one of the kopi sessions.

I’ve come across many people, who belittle others through words or behavior. I’m hardly affected usually because I, erm, am too thick skinned lar. ? you want to say me then say me lor, unless you are someone who matters or else it’s just water rolling off my ducky back.

Now, I just wonder, what’s the mentality of someone who makes comments like, “this is so simple, why don’t you understand?!”, followed by the are-you-stupid look? When she’s teaching a class of adults.

A few possibilities:
1. These adults are really slow adults… Which they are not.
2. They are too used to our education of spoon feeding.
3. The teacher can’t teach properly. (Nobody in class understood her at all.)

But no matter what, I believe that, even if the teacher is teaching little children, this shouldn’t even be spoken in the classroom. Granted that it’s simple, but the duty of the teacher is to teach. Or else why be called a teacher??? Ok ok. Lame joke.

Why, even little people have pride. Anyway, at the end of the day, what has this teacher done?
1. She certainly hasn’t succeeded in imparting knowledge.
2. She managed to make everyone feel small and inadequate.
3. She has managed to induce fear in her students that they don’t even dare to voice out their fears and need for help.
4. She’s only alienating her students from herself.

I always believe that people’s behavior reflects their true inner selves. She looks like a very successful person on the surface but truly inside her, she probably has a very low self esteem that has to be boosted up through belittling and humiliating others. It’s a wonder that she’s been teaching (or trying to teach) for 8 years and yet she feels that her students (ex students) are an ungrateful lot. Maybe it’s time to look within herself and examine her own behavior. For the reactions of others is a mirror of one’s actions.

There’s No End to Work..

There’s No End to Work..

I know I work too much in a day when
1. I get slapped with the peak hour erp for arriving at the office at 9am.
2. The first time I check my Facebook is at 8pm.
3. I get a headache from a whole day of talking. Boy! For people who know me, it means A LOT of talking.
4. No message from me on all group chats on whatsapp for the whole day.
5. I haven’t logged in to a single game for the whole day. Huh? What’s candy crush?? Can eat wan or not??
6. When I come home, my babies are knocked out already!! ?



I have to take photos of them in the dark and touch up the photos so that their faces are visible.

I have promised my 宝贝 to bring her to the library this week. And yet, my schedule is jam packed with work from practically 9am til 9pm. That’s when I decide to cancel my meeting slots on Friday after 3pm so that my PA won’t fill them up with meetings.

I’m going to the library on Friday afternoon. Work can wait. My daughter’s childhood can’t.

In the Pursuit of Love

In the Pursuit of Love

Recently I had dinner with a friend who will be leaving Singapore in a few days to join her boyfriend in Uk.

“Would you take a shot at this chance for happiness or give it up and stay in Singapore for your parents?” She posed this question to me.

Some background on this. She went on a trip to UK to squat in the hotel room of her friend who was there on a business trip. While she was there, an acquaintance who lived there met up with her and brought her around. During these short few days, she fell deeply in love with him.

Gosh! This felt like a scene from one of the romance novels which I read when I was a teenager (no time for them now… Too busy reading parenting books…)

I received a message from her while she was there, declaring her love for a mere acquaintance. I was incredulous. For I can never foresee such a thing happening to me.

And now she’s giving up everything here to join him in UK.

“I can’t imagine such a thing happening to me so I can’t answer your question!”

“Bah! You are such a bore!”


“I told my parents that I’m going there to work.”

“Oh pulease… Why would they believe it?! So easy to find work there?? Why don’t you just tell them the truth??”

“They can’t handle the truth. They’d think I’m abandoning them. ”

“But you are!” (That’s me. Miss smart mouth. Saying there before I gave it a deeper thought. But hey! Why be hypocritical about it? Call a spade a spade!”

She sulked. “It’s my one shot at happiness. Wouldn’t you do that??”

After that, I thought about it long and hard. Would I? Now, definitely not. 20 years back? I doubt so either.

My world used to be just black and white. Now it’s filled shades of grey.

There’s no right or wrong. It all boils down to choices. You choose either your love or your parents. In this case she chose love. And ultimately I’m sure if she’s happy so would her parents. Every parent would want happiness for her child.

But, being a mother now, I can’t imagine this happening to my daughter. If my daughter tells me that she’s going to live with a man she knows for only a week, I would be worried sick. What the heck! Sell you away also no help will come!! And not to mention being heartbroken. That I would mean so little with all my love compared to someone she’s only known for days.

But as children, we always tend to be self centred and take our parents for granted. It’s only when I’ve become a mother myself that I can appreciate my parents’ unconditional love.

As for my friend, I give her my blessings and truly hope that this love that she’s sacrificed so much for will come to fruition.