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Category: Administrative

All the mundane administrative matters.

Template Hunt

Template Hunt

Getting pretty sick of having the same template for the past one year. So, bear with me while I’m getting it changed. I’m not the best html person in the world. Sigh….

No Man’s Land…

No Man’s Land…

Another addition to the flogs… Someone whom I got to know from the Hamster Forum.

Had the urge to make new postings recently but the ailing Blog server just killed all my inspirations and enthusiasm… Hehe, another case of finger pointing.

Colours of Life!

Colours of Life!

Hmm.. The writing mechanism in my brain is rather stiff from long period of disuse. I’m too used to doing calculations and writing boring factual reports that I need some 10 minutes before I can gather my thoughts to write this entry. Maybe eating fish would help.


Back to the main topic – Colours of Life! Ta-Dah!! The latest brainchild of my friend, Jiahui, who’s into coaching. Her articles are revolving around Changes, Getting to know your true self and setting directions for your life.

In my opinion, which may be slightly biased, since she is one of my oldest friends after all, the blog provides interesting reading material. Of course, you probably won’t gain instant enlightenment, you know…. a 180 degrees change in your present lifestyle, but they may serve to direct your thoughts in the right area.


THERE! I have advertised your blog for you!! When will I be getting my dinner treat??!

Housekeeping… La la la

Housekeeping… La la la

Hmm.. 2 days of blogging in a row. There may still be hope for me!!

Have done some housekeeping. Updated some outdated links (erm.. actually, 1 only.) Got rid of some dead links. Don’t think those people will get their butts back to blogging.

K.. Will have to come up with a new template soon…..



Haven’t written for ages. Rust is corroding away my fingers and brain. Since I am waiting for my slowpoke email server to load up… here goes….



Have been toying with the idea of upgrading to Blogspot plus so that I will have the disk space to put up my own pictures and design my webpage… But then again, will I ever get down to doing it??!!


refreshing o’blogs

refreshing o’blogs

I have just added a new section “refreshing o’blogs” on the left sidebar. I have come across some rather interesting blogs. However, since I do not know their owners personally, I have grouped them into a section, separated from the flogs. Pleasant reading!

bulogs -> flogs

bulogs -> flogs

I think I am a failure at naming things and, therefore, will leave the difficult task to experts out there. JH emailed me about my ‘bulogs’, and said it sounded like ‘bollocks’. I made a search in the dictionary and this word has 2 meanings – nonsense, or a certain organ of the male anatomy. Ooppsss….

Ok ok, FLOGS it shall be.

New Bulog!

New Bulog!

Added Etel’s blog to my bulog section. Christmassy look for a warm season in Singapore. Love the snowflakes falling off the page… Hmm.. shall ask her how she did it. *scribble reminder onto notebook.*

Reordered my bulogs. Nana’s goes down, considering that it hasn’t been updated for 2 months.

Section Renamed! Kaboomz!

Section Renamed! Kaboomz!

I tried very intense dreaming last night, but still no earthshaking ideas on my new blog layout. Therefore I have to content myself with making mincingly minor changes. I changed ‘my buddys’ to ‘bulogs’. Sounds a little like Sandra Bullocks’ blog though. Anyway, that is not what it meant. I have come across newly coined terms for blogging, some really innovative ones, like Flogs… Sounds cruel yeah? But take the F and the logs apart, it evolves into a new term for Friend’s Blogs. I wanted to incorporate Buddy’s and Blogs together, but by taking the first letter, I would end up with the same name, not too constructive there. Next attempt – Budlogs. Errh… sounded like Buttocks when it was read quickly. Last try, Bulogs. I figured that, being mistaken for certainly Sandra beat references to asses (unless they are yummy pert ones *wolf whistles*) hands down.