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Category: 小小宝贝

Displaced by Technology

Displaced by Technology

The hub is on an overseas business trip (yes, again!) so I am the “Tchaikovsky” for the fortnight (next week, too!). I kind of like driving the kiddos to school. All of us are stuck with one another in the car, all strapped in, no distractions like toys and all.

小小宝贝 : I like Google Home so much! (gushing over the darn machine enthusiastically)

Me : (what the…?! Ah ah.. no swearing…) (in my most gentle mommy voice) Why is that so?

宝贝 : Di di talks to it all the time!

小小宝贝 : You were not at home. So I asked Google, “Why is the sky blue? Why is the sun yellow? Why are the clouds white?” And the Google was so smart!! She knows all the answers!

Me : So what did she tell you?

小小宝贝 : Oh I have forgotten.

Me : Do you want to know the answers? (finally my chance to impress my son!)

小小宝贝 :It’s ok. I will go home and ask Google after school today. She is always there! I can always ask her! (Is he subtly trying to tell me something??!!)

I swear I’m going home to trash that gadget today!

#jealousofagadget #displacedbytechnology #ihategooglehome #machinesaretakingover #quitmyjobandstayathome #afteritrashgooglehome

Destroy and Conquer! Zhiwei 1 Google Home 0


My Little F1 Race Commentator

My Little F1 Race Commentator

“Mommy! The Ferrari crashed first!” Then he launched an animatedly detailed account of how Ferrari crashed its team out of the race. “And Mercedes is the best!!! It was no 1 at the F1!” 

Both his eyes lighted up as he described the entire F1 race as if he were present at the scene! 

The mystery was… “But you slept at 730pm last night and went to school this morning. When did you watch the F1 race??”

Heck! I didn’t even watch the race myself! I’m not an F1 fan. I read the account of it this morning on the news though. And at 4 years old, he couldn’t have read that. 

“Ohhh I didn’t watch it. I heard Ashton telling his friend.”

“Who’s Ashton???”

“He’s a K2 boy in the bus.”

“这么小就偷听人家讲话!” Popo remarked. (Translation : eavesdropping at such a young age! Grandma remarked.)

“NO! I didn’t!!! He said it very loudly! I was sitting in the first row and he was at the third!!” 小小宝贝 defended himself indignantly. ?

“You cannot say I 偷听! Say sorry to me!” ?

This reminds me that my little man is growing up. I need to check myself when I speak to other adults when he’s around. Sometimes he sounds awfully like me when he speaks…. all phrases must be G rating from now on. No more R rated phrases anymore. 

Oh and I caught someone reading my blog on the phone during her 10 mins a day allowance. ? Must be careful of what I write here henceforth. ?

How do you Spell Stoopid?

How do you Spell Stoopid?

小小宝贝 : Mummy, how do you spell the word ‘stupid’?

Me : You are not supposed to use that word on people. It’s rude. If I tell you how to spell it, you are going to write it everywhere. Unless you promise that you won’t do that. 

小小宝贝 ran to the living room. Oh great! He’s going to play with his toy train. In the next second, I heard, “OK GOOGLE! How do you spell the word stupid??”


小小宝贝 : Thank you Google!

GOOGLE : You are welcome! 

I swear the robots are going to take over Earth soon!!! 

Whatcha Looking At?!

Whatcha Looking At?!

Every time I look at his chubby “you want to fight” face, I would burst out laughing!

Oh well, starting my day off with something that’s dear to me. Have a wonderful day everyone!

The Rolling Distum 

The Rolling Distum 

Creativity on a rainy day…

He is forever building stuff. It’s in his blood… 

Introducing… (drum roll?) T.H.E ROLLING DISTUM!!!!!! 

Huh?? Simi Lai eh? 

The “rolling Distum” is the pile of car tracks on top. It rolls (obviously). He makes them in variations of different lengths and rolls them off the top of the stairs to see which one comes down first, rolls further, cracks and lots of other test factors (I’ve lost track). 

Oh and I have absolutely no inkling what “Distum” means. He made it up as he liked the sound of it. Pronounce it properly ok!! He gets annoyed when we mispronounce it. It’s DIS TUM!

By the way, the structure under it isn’t part of the mighty “Rolling Distum”. It’s just a train which transports them to the top of the stairs and back to the yard for repairs. 

– Mommy Reporter signing out. 

We are Pokémons! 

We are Pokémons! 

小小宝贝:Jie Jie! What Pokémon are you??

宝贝:I’m Pichu! Because I’m cuter than Pikachu! (Hmmm… okie….? she has great faith in herself… I suppose that’s not a bad thing. ?)

Didi, you are a Dragonite! Because you are a dragon! 

小小宝贝:No!! I’m a baby dragon so I’m just a Dratini! 

宝贝 : Mama is a Ninetales because she’s pretty! (I’m not a fan of Ninetales but I like the flattery part.) Then what about Papa???

小小宝贝 :(with a matter of fact look) Snorlax lah! Because Papa snores!!! (???)

Discerning children I have! Children say the darnest things! It’s a good thing that the hub doesn’t read the blog!

HFMD (Hand Foot Mouth Disease) Aftermath

HFMD (Hand Foot Mouth Disease) Aftermath

HFMD, the dreaded infectious disease that’s every parent’s nightmare! Some of my friends went through numerous times of HFMD in the household. It’s strange that we never had this when we were young. 

Anyway, if you have young children, this is something you’d never want to get. The symptoms are high fever, followed days later by red spots, which eventually turn into blisters on the soles of the feet and palms. They may appear in various degrees of seriousness and some children may even get rashes on thighs and arms. At the same time, red spots or rashes appear around the mouth and ulcers in mouth and throat. Just think of the most terrible sore throats you’ve ever had. That’s it!!

The first time it appeared in our household was in the first year of 宝贝口水妹’s nursery. Her symptoms were pretty mild, I assume. Because she was eating like nobody’s business when she had it. Maybe just a little wincing when she swallowed her food. But, it sure was infectious. She managed to spread it to the adults. YES! Adults can get it too!!! And when adults get it, it’s 10 times more painful than the child’s!! It may also be that we are more articulate (kao Peh) about it! Besides, I was pregnant at that time. It was sheer torture!

We recently had a bout of HFMD. This time it happened to 小小宝贝. We didn’t even bring him to the doctor although we quarantined him at home for a week til he’s fully recovered. His symptoms were relatively mild too. Besides the fact that he had the blisters on his palms and feet, he was behaving as normally as a little boy should – wreaking havoc at home (at the despair of his grandmother who’s his caregiver). 

It’s only recently that I discovered this… 

Just a week back, I read on Facebook that one of my friend’s daughter’s nails have fallen off due to HFMD. ? Yes, there’s a particular strain of HFMD that causes this. When it happens, it causes the nails to stop growing. When the body has cleared itself of the disease, the nails started to grow again. So the nails crack due to this. His isn’t too serious. It’s more obvious on his thumb, but if you look carefully, there’s a slight crack on every single nail. 

It looks really painful (I’ve had bruised nails detaching themselves from the nail beds before. Owww!). In actual fact, there’s no pain at all. I think Mommy is more anxious (gan Cheong) about it than he is. 

It is happening now, which is about 8-10 weeks after his HFMD. So if your child’s nails are falling off after HFMD, don’t freak out!!! Take a deep breath. It’s all OK! ?

Ming Ming's Diary – Monday Blues….

Ming Ming's Diary – Monday Blues….

It’s Monday. Why do adults call it Monday blues?? I like blue! They should call it Monday blacks. 

After the fun filled weekend, everyone’s gone to school/work. Except for me. I’ll just have to do self play. Unless you want to come and play with me???

I can share my toys with you!!! 

Hmmm… Now that everyone’s gone out, I need to plan my day and think of what I should do next. Let me drink some of my brain juice first. 

*suck suck* I find it helpful to my thinking process when I’m drinking.

What am I drinking??? Beer of course!! Haven’t you seen the advertisement?!

Give that man a tiger! RAWR!!!! ???

What do you mean mine’s not beer? I’ve been drinking beer since I was born!!

How can I not know if it’s beer or not??


Ahhh!!! You are trying to bluff me! Just because I’m little doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I’m drinking! 


Drowning my sorrows in beer? Certainly not. I’m still trying to decide what I want to do today.

You are disturbing my thought process. ?

We, men, are focused minded creatures. Cannot multitask. Ya! Since caveman days….

Focus focus Ming Ming!!!

*suck suck* 

Should I play with my cars? Or my train? Or my building blocks? Or my Legos? Or my walker?

Oh man!!! Choices choices choices! 

Maybe rolling my eyes up can help with my focus. *roll eyes*

What??? You mean I’ve spent the whole morning thinking that my Jie Jie is back from school???

Yippee!!! No more thinking is necessary! Now I can play with with Jie Jie!!!


I’ve thought so hard for her to come home and now she has!!!

The universe has answered my request! Mighty Ming Ming!

Jie Jie! Come! Let’s rock n roll!!

Ming Ming's Diary – Slippery Slip Module 101

Ming Ming's Diary – Slippery Slip Module 101

Look at this engineering wonder at Punggol Park!
Hahaha! I didn’t build this. I’m so flattered that you think I did. 

Hey! Papa! Watch me ok!!
This is how you crawl up a slide. For you you need to turn sideways so that you don’t get stuck. 
Teaching Papa the playing on the slide module 101. 

Ming Ming's Diary – My Papa is such a baby! 

Ming Ming's Diary – My Papa is such a baby! 

Hey! Papa! What’s up? 

Oh! You want to play while waiting for the food to come???
You want to play pat-a-cake?! C’mon! That is for babies!!! I’m a big boy now!
Oh you want to relieve your babyhood?? Ok ok fine!!! Anything for you Papa!

*resigned look* pat a cake pat a cake. *yawn*