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Category: Little Anecdotes

Angry Birds have Invaded My House! Help!!

Angry Birds have Invaded My House! Help!!

A picture speaks a thousand words, not to mention TWO pictures…

For someone who doesn’t watch the television, she sure knows all the famous characters like Angry Birds, Mickey Mouse and friends, Winnie the Pooh, Pororo, Doraemon etc

I came home to find all her angry birds stickers all over her chest of drawers… One consolation – at least they were not on the wall.  Where did she get the stickers from?? Mystery solved – the doctor gave them to her when she visited him for a visit yesterday for a running nose, because she greeted him “Doctor, 早安!”

If only everyone one I say good morning to, will buy stuff from me, I’d be blogging all day and not once a day!  Maybe I should bring her along when I meet the clients.. Hmm.. idea…

She’s been coming home with freebies and all, it’s time to teach her not to accept gifts from strangers… She came home with a cow coin bank, given to her by the NTUC cashier because she greeted her and smiled at her… Many angry bird stickers and erasers from the dentist and doctor she visited. I brought her to Marina Barrage to exercise her legs, she came back with balloons and sweets from the picnickers… and some other little incidents

I should bring her to condo launches, maybe she will come back with a free house?! *V*

宝贝has money!

宝贝has money!

宝贝:I’ve a hat. Mama has a hat but Papa has no hat.
Me : ohhh poor Papa!
宝贝:宝贝 will buy a hat for papa!
(Papa visibly melting with gratitude)
Me : Do you have money?
Me : where??? (expecting her to say that it’s in her piggy bank at home)
宝贝:(giving me her innocent look) in Papa’s pocket. My money is there!!

Looks like she’s turning out to be quite a good money manager. (everyone’s money belongs to her!) I don’t have to worry about her future. Phew!!

宝贝at Changi Airport

宝贝at Changi Airport

爸爸: 宝贝! Papa is going on the plane to go to India for 5 days. So you must be a good girl and obey mama. Ok?
宝贝:宝贝 is also going on the plane!
爸爸,妈妈: O.o
妈妈:do you have an air ticket? You need one to board the plane.
宝贝:I have!
妈妈:Erm…. Where are you flying to? (expecting her to say Australia)
宝贝: Indonesia! (she proclaimed!)
妈妈: Indonesia?! What are you going to do over there?!

Oh my goodness! I need to find a rich son-in-law to support her overseas extravaganza!

宝贝’s 唐诗lesson

宝贝’s 唐诗lesson

Yep! I’m doing a whole series on 宝贝. She’s been especially chatty and hilarious recently. It’s a wonder how these little minds work. She sees the world from her simple perspective (one track mind) with her own wants being the highest priority in life.


宝贝:静夜诗。李白。床前明月光,我要去playground!! 举头望明月,低头思故乡。


This is her latest hobby, distorting all the mandarin poems to suit her mood of the day… Poor 李白, he must be turning in his grave.

宝贝’s Biology Lesson

宝贝’s Biology Lesson

妈妈:宝贝,快!一鼓作气把你的午餐吃完!(still attempting to drum that phrase into her)
宝贝:嘴巴吃饭 (nom nom nom *makes the eating sound* I swear it sounds like cookie monster!)
宝贝:(*sniff sniff) 呼~~~~~~吸~~~~~~(Looking exactly like the bunch of old folks who do 气功in front of our window every morning.
宝贝:^_^ (scrunches her face up in a huge grin with her eyes almost shut) 眼睛用来笑~~~~!(didn’t quite expect this answer but it does sound logical.)
宝贝:拿来玩!(tousles her hair with both hands)
宝贝:(*licks my arm)

Ewwww! Ok end of lesson. I don’t know what she will do next. (~_~;)

宝贝’s 成语 lesson

宝贝’s 成语 lesson


She has been modifying phrases and poems to her own liking….to be continued…

Bedtime Talk Part 2

Bedtime Talk Part 2

A continuation to 宝贝’s bedtime story series.

(Taking a walk before bedtime IN her cot)

宝贝:(points out her window) 婆婆!飞机飞得慢!MRT跑得快!


You can’t exactly fault her on her logic.

Bedtime Talk

Bedtime Talk

Bedtime (7pm) she was lying on the bed, trying to sleep.
宝贝 : 爸爸嘞?
She practically named everyone she knew.
宝贝:(sat up in disbelief, open eyes wide): 哈?!全部都睡觉了?!

You just can’t pull a fast one over a 2 year old.