Too fast, too furious, it happened. Out of the blue, we heard a retching sound, then when I turned around, I could only gape in horror as brown gooey liquid gushed out, non stop, of 小小宝贝’s mouth.
“Don’t move! Don’t touch anything! Don’t touch the car!!! This is a nuclear disaster!!”
小小宝贝 sat in his vomit, stunned, with his hands held up in the air. It’s his maiden vomiting experience.
Hub was driving and asking, “what happened?!”
宝贝reacted the quickest, “Give Didi some tissue!!!”
(Side story : Seow told me that her student puked in the car and some fluid flew over her Dad, who was the driver and in shock, he swerved and almost caused an accident. So we had been extremely lucky that his wasn’t the explosive, fly everywhere kind. Or we may have to scrap the car!)
宝贝 : Haha! Remember the last time I vomited all over the stairs as I was going to my bedroom??
Images of the last puking incident appeared vividly in my mind. Yes. She threw up as she was going up the stairs to her room. It splashed everywhere at the stairwell, over the railings (you can imagine that the puke went to the lower floor as well) and I saw food lumps and stomach acid cascading down the stairs…. we spent the whole night cleaning 2 floors.
Me : Not funny ok!
When we got home, we unbuckled the whole car seat and lifted him along with it straight into the bathroom. Hub cleaned him up while I wiped the car down and left the windows down to air it…. ?
We stood and stared at the car seat, a few bowls worth of puke, a lot of undigested food and unknown (you don’t want to know) stuff pooled on it.
Me : Can still use or not? Throw away arh? But very expensive leh…
Hub : I’ll settle it!
Me : ? My hero!!! Cleaning up the aftermath of a nuclear warfare!
Somehow he managed it. The next time I saw the car seat it was dismantled and clean and drying at the balcony. We washed the covers a few times in the washing machine and it’s good as new.
We survived!
Meanwhile, 小小宝贝 is stricken with probably stomach flu.

This reminds me of another time, when he covered me with shit. ?
I’m sure every parent out there must have experienced some form of disaster originating from one of the orifices of their children’s. But we soldier on! ??