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Category: 小小宝贝

Ming Ming’s Diary – Amazing Race

Ming Ming’s Diary – Amazing Race

While Mama was having team building and Papa was working, we were having our own amazing race at home!!

Jie Jie!! That’s a foul! You are blocking me from getting the the pit stop!!

Jie Jie!! 😡

Rule of the game : whoever gets there 2nd wins the game! Cool ya??

And the winner gets a sticker on the face!! Check out my trophies! *points to stickers on my face*


Weird… why is everyone giving me strange looks???

They look at me, then point at me and start to giggle. 😒


Oh well, it must be the stickers that enhanced my looks so much that people take notice of me.

Or are they awed by my chariot riding skills??

Ehhh! Someone, tell me!! You there!! Stop laughing!!!

Ming Ming’s Diary – Feeling Depressed

Ming Ming’s Diary – Feeling Depressed

Dear 熊宝宝 aka Bear Baby, I’m feeling very depressed today. 😞

Someone said that I looked like Jabba the Hutt. I’ve been sitting in front of the mirror for the whole day (That’s why I haven’t been blogging), looking at myself.

Do I really look like that fat slob?!?!

熊宝宝, tell me the truth!! *breathes deeply* C’mon! Give it to me! Spit it out! I can take it! I’m a MAN! *thumps fist on chest*

*puts ear near Bear Baby’s mouth*

Really? I don’t look like Jabba??

Awww…! 熊宝宝 you are truly my one and only friend!!

Huggies!! Muak Muak! 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😍😍😍

Ming Ming’s Diary – Like a King!

Ming Ming’s Diary – Like a King!

Sitting like a king (mama says I look like a Dua Pek Gong, whatever THAT means?!). That’s what I do best.

You may rise, my faithful subjects!


Someone said I looked like Jabba the Hutt sitting on the throne. I googled it. He looks like this!!

The one on the right, I’m deeply offended. 😡 Where’s the resemblance?! WHERE WHERE WHERE?!?

YOU are henceforth banished from my kingdom!

Me thinks I look more like Mr Handsome on the left.

*Blue Steel look*

Donch ya mess with me!! 💢👊🏼💢

Ming Ming’s Diary – Memorable Moment! 🥰

Ming Ming’s Diary – Memorable Moment! 🥰

Shush! Updating my diary is a serious matter. *Frown* I must quickly record this down so that I don’t forget this memorable moment.

*candlelight snack time*

*romantic music playing in the background… “Old Macdonald had a farm Ee A Ee A Oooo….”*

Hmm… I wonder if I need to arrange for some entertainment… How about a magic trick that I have just learnt?? (Heard that girls like to be wowed by magic tricks..)

OK… Watch my hand closely…

(Shakes hand vigorously) Do you see my hand disappear?? Do you do you??

Darn! She doesn’t look too impressed…😒

Sigh. I think I should just eat my food. Don’t waste good food. Girls are so hard to please nowadays.

Munch munch munch. Hey! These loops are quite yummy!

Am mmmm mumm mumm…

Ohh table manners, Ming Ming!!

So tasty that I’m licking my fingers and thumb and palm and everything!

Hmmm… Last one…

I wonder if Laura will give me some of hers. I mean girls are ALWAYS on diet right???

Laura… May I have some of yours????

Don’t waste food. Let me help you finish them???? *best smile*

How are your froot loops dear? Are they done to your taste?

This restaurant has a nice ambience. I have specially requested them to play your favourite song. 😍😍😍

It’s art time now.

Why are my eyes closed?? Like the great Mingcasso, I need to conceptualise the painting in mind.

*focus focus*

Ah! I have an inspiration!!!

Yes! A dash of yellow here! A dab of green there! Watch the Raining Sun master at work!

Eh! What do you mean I look like a dog with my tongue sticking out???

Orh!! Are you calling Einstein a dog?!

That’s the trademark of genius at work! 😛

Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs

Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs

小小宝贝 brought home a book from school for his weekend reading. Children’s book, how exciting could it get? He picked this book – “Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs” from the little library in his classroom.

It’s a very simple children’s book about the author’s childhood which he spent with his Nana Upstairs – his great-grandmother and Nana Downstairs – his grandmother. It was beautifully drawn with short, easily comprehensible sentences that described the activities he had indulged in with his grandmothers, down to poignant little details, that seemed a great deal to a child like the sharing of mint candies, sitting tied to chairs so that they didn’t fall off. All these would have been very mundane activities to adults.

Then one day, his Nana Upstairs died and she was no longer sitting in her usual position in her bed. The drawing of the bed took up a whole page, the void was amplified.

Tommy began to cry.

“Won’t she ever come back?” he asked.

“No, dear,” Mother said softly. “Except in your memory. She will come back in your memory whenever you think about her.”

From then on, he called Nana Downstairs just plain Nana.

And then Tommy grew up, Nana Downstairs also grew old and moved upstairs and then she, too, joined Nana Upstairs with the stars.

With its simple sentences and beautiful drawings, it tugs at the heartstrings of both adults (me) and children, while reminding us that passage of time spares no one, even our parents who have grown old without us realising it. Cherish the time with them if you are lucky enough to still have them with you.

Mommy, I’ve 2 Girlfriends!

Mommy, I’ve 2 Girlfriends!

It’s the favourite time of my day! After lights out, we have our little chit chat in the dark.

小小宝贝 :Mommy! I’ve 2 girlfriends! ?? ??

宝贝口水妹:What?! I don’t even have a boyfriend and you have TWO girlfriends??

Me : Are you sure they are your girlfriends!?

小小宝贝:Yes! (He insisted) Both of them said they liked me! ☺️ And I like them too!

Me : Erm, Lezen and Clara?

小小宝贝 :(giggled) Yes!

Me : Didn’t you say that Elijah (his bff) likes Lezen?

小小宝贝:Since I’ve 2 girlfriends, I can give him one. (So generous of him ??‍♀️)

宝贝口水妹:How can you give girlfriends away???

小小宝贝: Because Lezen told him that she liked him too! So I’ll give him Lezen and we can both have girlfriends.

宝贝口水妹:Do you know what’s a girlfriend??? Not just any girl who is your friend ok!!

小小宝贝:Of course I know! All the girls in my class like me, but I only like 2!

Gosh! I’ve a Casanova in the household… ?

Orange ? Famine!

Orange ? Famine!

Parent Teacher Meeting…

All the usual niceties about him being a good boy in school (the teachers wouldn’t believe that he’s a tyrant at home. ?)

Teacher : By the way, is it possible to tell him to use other colours besides orange for his work?

Me : Oh, orange is his favourite colour. (Yes… for the longest time ever, orange as his fav colour seems to be sticking. His other colour fetish before orange)

Teacher : Yes, yes, we know. He uses orange colour pencils for writing and orange crayons for colouring everything. The problem is, other children (his gang of boys of whom he’s the Lao da) see him doing it and they are all doing the same thing… ??‍♀️ so… we are running out of orange pencils and crayons in the centre…

Me : ok… let me speak to him.. he likes red too. That’s his 2nd favourite colour!

Teacher : we know… that’s the 2nd colour running out…




“Is Papa doing mindfulness??” My hub was lying on the playmat with his hands on his stomach – the typical mindfulness posture at the kindergarten. Snoring….

“I can do mindfulness for a long time!” declared Xiaoxiaobaobei!

“Right… how long??”

“14 minutes!!”

“Really??” I stared at him in disbelief.

“Let me show you!” He laid down beside his Papa, folding his hands on his tummy. “You close your eyes and think of breathing.” 2 minutes of silence…. then he sat up.

“Eh! It’s not 14 minutes yet!!”

“I want to play with my Boost!”

“Lousy! See! Papa can do it for such a long time!”

He glanced at his papa, “he’s sleeping! See! He’s snoring! I’ll do mindfulness tonight!”

Sigh… I need to speak to his teacher…

A Seat Full of Puke ?

A Seat Full of Puke ?

Too fast, too furious, it happened. Out of the blue, we heard a retching sound, then when I turned around, I could only gape in horror as brown gooey liquid gushed out, non stop, of 小小宝贝’s mouth. 

“Don’t move! Don’t touch anything! Don’t touch the car!!! This is a nuclear disaster!!”

小小宝贝 sat in his vomit, stunned, with his hands held up in the air. It’s his maiden vomiting experience. 

Hub was driving and asking, “what happened?!”

宝贝reacted the quickest, “Give Didi some tissue!!!”

(Side story : Seow told me that her student puked in the car and some fluid flew over her Dad, who was the driver and in shock, he swerved and almost caused an accident. So we had been extremely lucky that his wasn’t the explosive, fly everywhere kind. Or we may have to scrap the car!)

宝贝 : Haha! Remember the last time I vomited all over the stairs as I was going to my bedroom?? 

Images of the last puking incident appeared vividly in my mind. Yes. She threw up as she was going up the stairs to her room. It splashed everywhere at the stairwell, over the railings (you can imagine that the puke went to the lower floor as well) and I saw food lumps and stomach acid cascading down the stairs…. we spent the whole night cleaning 2 floors. 

Me : Not funny ok! 

When we got home, we unbuckled the whole car seat and lifted him along with it straight into the bathroom. Hub cleaned him up while I wiped the car down and left the windows down to air it…. ?

We stood and stared at the car seat, a few bowls worth of puke, a lot of undigested food and unknown (you don’t want to know) stuff pooled on it. 

Me : Can still use or not? Throw away arh? But very expensive leh…

Hub : I’ll settle it! 

Me : ? My hero!!! Cleaning up the aftermath of a nuclear warfare! 

Somehow he managed it. The next time I saw the car seat it was dismantled and clean and drying at the balcony. We washed the covers a few times in the washing machine and it’s good as new. 

We survived! 

Meanwhile, 小小宝贝 is stricken with probably stomach flu. 

This reminds me of another time, when he covered me with shit. ?

I’m sure every parent out there must have experienced some form of disaster originating from one of the orifices of their children’s. But we soldier on! ??

His Favourite (Everchanging) Colour!

His Favourite (Everchanging) Colour!

Raised the same way, but yet so different… 

During her early years, her favourite colour was green. Maybe it’s because some of our walls were green and we had lots of home decoration in that colour. And I dressed her in neutral colours and a pink or red once in a while. A few years ago, she declared that her favourite colours were pink and purple and they’ve remained since then. Sigh. There are just some things that can’t be changed. Why must little girls like pink?!

When he was very little (I mean when he was a wee babe, because he’s still very little now), he decided (yes, decided, no one could change his mind), that HIS favourite colour was PINK?!?! 

He ursuped his sister’s pink hat and wore it everywhere he went, including at home….

One fine day, he announced that his favourite colour was “rainbow”. So he started the era of putting as many different colours possible in every of his art pieces. 

A ? coloured “Yang Yang De Yi”. 

His ultra colourful house. 

Then came… 

The Black Age…. he coloured his drawing in various colours, then painted over the colours in BLACK!! ??‍♀️

He insisted that black was THE colour and wanted to be dressed in black clothes!! All his paintings were in black! Don’t ask me why a 4 year old would choose black as his favourite colour… 

Until yesterday. 

小小宝贝 : Mommy, I love orange!

Me : Eh, isn’t black your current favourite colour??

小小宝贝 : No! It’s ORANGE! Mommy, do you know why I love orange?

Me : ??

小小宝贝 : Your favourite colour is red! So mine is orange. Because that’s the closest colour to red!! BECAUSE WE ARE CLOSE!! Right, Mommy??? 

Awww…. *melting* ??