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Day: 18 February 2017

New Year Resolution – Jogging!

New Year Resolution – Jogging!

Yesterday, I decided that I shall fulfill my new year resolution (erm… My 2015 New Year Resolution actually… *blush*)! I shall start JOGGING again!

I tried to jumpstart it, but I didn’t get past the door.. (my bedroom door). There was once when I put on my running gear, and then, chickened out….

Yesterday, I finally decided to put my foot down (literally!) and stop PROCRASTINATING!

I dugged out my Asics from my shoe cabinet, blew years of dust of it and checked out the condition. I had a very BAD feeling… that it wouldn’t last. When I was actively running, one pair of sports shoes could last me for years and years and year. But once I stopped, even a fairly new pair would fall apart after years of disuse because the rubber parts have hardened. Ok.. I was trying to find a new excuse not to start. ?

Taking a deep breath, Huff Puff! Here I go!

I started off slowly, very old already, ok… Ain’t spring chicken anymore! Hmm… where should I go? I hate roads. Ok, I should stay off the roads so that I wouldn’t have to breathe in the exhaust. Park connector?? Ok, there’s one behind my house. ?

Eh.. Dead end! Changed direction. Then I discovered that the park connectors didn’t come with directions, but only a sign that said, “PARK CONNECTOR”. Sigh… Noob runner. OK fine, I would just run around the estate and admire the houses then.

Argh…! Slopes! Right, they were not as bad as the ones which we used to do at NUS Kent Ridge (the killer slope near the old Engineering faculty) BUT, for someone who hadn’t ran in years, it felt like it had the same gradient as that!! ???

20 minutes later, my knees started to hurt. Now, I remembered why I stopped. I carried on for a while and then decided to take it easy, slowing down to a brisk walk instead. I ”
DIE DIE” MUST hit my target of 30 minutes!!!

AND… I survived!!!

But my Asics didn’t….

RIP Asics!

Now I need to buy another pair of running shoes and some knee braces….??