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Day: 11 April 2016

Kids @ Work!

Kids @ Work!

Most people would tell you that it’s absolutely unprofessional to bring your children to work. It’s an unconceivable notion to do that in my previous 2 companies. 

However, I’m truly blessed that the current one that I’m at is truly pro family! Of course I don’t treat it as a childcare centre and bring my children there every day, but the bosses are accommodating to allow the once-in-a-whiles.  This is especially important for working mothers like me who have to juggle work and the numerous parental duties. 

Besides, to let the children see where I work and how I work is part of bonding. They know what I do and who my colleagues are when I leave them to go to work. 

And yes, when my parents were on holiday, my hub went on his overseas trip, and I still had to work, I’d bring the little ones to work. My wonderful colleagues would take turns to “childsit” them. 

There they were! Having fun at our Open house cum Oklahoma Project Launch event. Future judge and doctor. All this while, I was running around in the office, trying to juggle my time between my clients who had all decided to come at the same time despite my best effort of spacing them out on the schedule. ?

By one of my favourite authors –

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Charles Dickens