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Day: 23 January 2013

How 2 Words Can Hurt A Little One

How 2 Words Can Hurt A Little One

I was waiting for the cashier to gift wrap my purchase when a little boy tiptoed and put a little toy car and a $10 note on the counter. He should be about 5 years old.

While waiting, his mother asked him,”how much change are you supposed to get back?”

He replied, “$5”.

A sharp, curt retort, “NO! WRONG!”

His little face looked crestfallen, he looked down and shifted his weight to his other foot.

I must never to do this to my children.

3am Blues

3am Blues

The woes of a sleep deprived mom at 3am.

Just as you celebrate the moment of liberation, when the baby has fallen asleep. As you lower him gingerly onto his cot, to the horrors of horrors, he gives a sudden hiccup.


The light at the end of the tunnel extinguishes.

No wonder there's such a thing called post natal depression.