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Month: December 2012

Pasir Ris Park – Defunct

Pasir Ris Park – Defunct

6 months ago, we were disappointed to come to a Pasir Ris Park with most of its playground boarded up. We had to make do with whatever was left.

Turn the clock forward. Today we visited Pasir Ris Park again. Since massive condominiums can be constructed within a time frame of 3-4 years, we figured that 6 months should be enough to rebuild a little playground.



It looked exactly the same as the last time we visited it. If they are not ready to rebuild it, shouldn’t they just let the children have access to it for another 6 months??

Not only that, check this out…



Even the swings are missing this time round?!?!

Nparks, why oh why?! When are you going to complete the upgrading??? Condominiums are built faster than your upgrading. Sigh….

宝贝 Loves to Bead

宝贝 Loves to Bead

宝贝 has been wearing the bracelet, which she beaded herself at the Chiltern Charity Carnival.

Since she liked beading so much, it seemed to be a good idea to start her off on it. I combed the shelves of spotlight for beading material. Just for the threading material alone, there were thin wires, thick wires, leather, plastic thread etc. That’s not even taking into consideration the various kinds of beads, pendants, crystals and even pearls!! Then the cutters, wire twisters and all!! Oh my… Making my head swim. I’m not exactly a very handicraft person and all those material were too sophisticated and small for a toddler to handle. I left, empty handed.

Hmmm.. Maybe I should try qoo10 (gmarket) since it has almost everything. Lo and behold, I found an online store that sells all kinds of beads and even big ones, suitable for children. Similarly, the variety was mind boggling. I read the profile of the owner, and discovered that she has 2 very young children. So I emailed her for advice.

She was really prompt in replying and mentioned that her 3 year old had problems sitting still for beading sessions. But I thought I’d try it on 宝贝 anyway. She recommended the elastic cotton thread that’s easier to handle for little hands and allowed room for alterations. For the beads, her advice was to go for the ones with at least 2mm big holes. The great thing about her website was that the sizes of the beads and the holes were all clearly listed.

The name of her shop on qoo is Creating Footprints Together. Here’s the link to her website.

After placing an order on qoo, the package came really fast!!


She started by creating a necklace for one of her teachers. We wanted to buy gifts for N1 teachers to thank them for all the love and attention they have showered upon her in the whole year. She decided that she should make the gifts for them herself.

She picked out the letters of their names. This is good training for alphabet recognition. Then she decided upon the colours of the beads for one side of the necklace. For the other side I gave her 2 choices, whether to haphazardly thread them without any colour order or to thread them in a symmetrical fashion. She chose the latter. This trained her to recognize patterns and symmetry.

Then she sat there and threaded the beads painstakingly, one by one. It really took her a super long time.



She made the last one for herself because she needed a little reward at the end of the session. Since she was already able to spell her own name, she picked out the letters without any prompting.

All in all, she took 1.5 hours to complete 2 necklaces and 1 bracelet. Quite an astounding feat for a 3 year old to remain seated and in full concentration for that long. Their span of concentration usually lasts about 30 mins. She must really love beading. Hehe.

The completed works.




Her celebratory portrait!!


She’s put on the one she’s made for herself and held the 2 she’s made for her teachers.

The final gift product.


Beading trains : patience, concentration, fine motor skills, letter recognition, sorting, pattern recognition, symmetry.

You are My One and Only…

You are My One and Only…

You are my one and only … iPhone 5 cable.

I promise that from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, ’till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.

I’ve a 30pin cable in my bedroom, one in my study room, one in my car, one in my office and one in my bag.

But you… There’s one and only you…. I’ll always be with you. Maybe I can fashion you into a necklace and wear you around my neck.

Chiltern House Charity Carnival 2012

Chiltern House Charity Carnival 2012

It was a super super hot morning. I almost had a sunstroke that day. It’s the morning of the Chiltern House Charity Carnival 2012. It was a grand event, held at the East Coast Park, with marquees, game stalls, food stalls, bouncy castles and all.

The food was donated by parents and the teachers spent a lot of effort and time preparing for the games. All the proceeds went to set up an English programme for a rural Thai village. Volunteers (parents and teachers) signed up for the trip to help out with this programme.

We will probably sign up for the one in the following year when 弟弟 turns one. It will be a good chance to expose 宝贝 to volunteer work and I’m sure she can do her little bit to help out.

We were given some a goodie bag with some game tickets. We bought more. The money was for a good cause anyway.

After giving her teachers welcoming hugs, she made her way to the bouncy castle where some of her friends were. Check out my little jumping bean in white and blue, jumping her heart out!


After 10 mins of jumping in the sun, that meant I was baking for the same amount of time too!! I banned her from further activities in it!!! It was me lar. I couldn’t stand the sun. I dragged her to the game stalls where her favourite teacher was. Her rings missed everything. But she was given a little toy as a consolation. I figured that she’d do better at the handicraft stalls. :)


Her intense look of concentration, with her usual “tongue sticking” habit as she worked on her apple Chinese painting.



One apple done. Adding leaves to the apple. Starting on apple no 2.


Completing apple no 2.


Finishing touches. The little artist signing off with a flourish.



Next, it’s heading exercise! We chose to bead a bracelet. (It’d have taken forever to bead a necklace. I didn’t think I had the patience to wait it out in the sauna.)

Same intense look of concentration.




She was extremely proud of her bracelet. It was sheer hard work of patience. I also admired the patience of the queue behind her. =.=”

It was time to go. I could no longer stand the heat wave. Where’s the cool rain when you needed it?? We spent the rest of the tickets on games and bought lunch back.

I messaged the hub, next year he’d better take leave as it’s meant to be a family event. Or else she would start addressing him as uncle, instead of daddy, soon. I look forward to resting in the tree shade next year!!

Tofu Cheesy Fish Cake

Tofu Cheesy Fish Cake

Laundry done. Check.
Dishes done. Check.
Extra fish cakes stored. Check.

Yes! All done. Hub has brought 宝贝 to her grandma’s place. 1.5 hours of reprieve. Time for blogging!!

It’s the time of the week again. Once a week, it’s cooking time for me. This week, it’s Tofu cheesy fish cake, using the air fryer. Sounds really healthy right??

Ingredients (whatever is in the fridge, again…)
Organic tofu (what’s tofu fish cake without tofu?!)
Fish fillet (you can use salmon)
Shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese
Mixed vegetables
Fresh button mushrooms
Salt, black pepper, spices (thyme, parsley etc) (I omitted these for 宝贝’s portion and added for mine)

Dice everything and dump them in a bowl and I aga aga all the quantity. It’s always aga aga and minimum washing for me!! Make sure everything is well mixed.


Add flour until the mixture is sticky and you are able to shape them into balls.


My not very shapely balls. :) I used the air fryer baking tray. It’s so small that I could only fry 4 balls at one time. Temperature : 200 degrees Celsius. Time : 10 mins


They turned out to be really crispy and puffed up. 宝贝 loved her non salted version. Everything’s done without oil!!


Check out her happy smile!! It’s actually quite filling. She ate 4 cakes and I ate 6. Her praises have inspired me to start thinking of next week’s menu!! Hmm… What should I cook next week??

The Way We Were

The Way We Were

It’s housekeeping time for my photos. I’m terrible at it. That’s why I needed to get this iPhone 5 with 64gb because I ran out of space on my iPhone 4S 32gb. I just couldn’t bear to delete photos. Yes yes I know. I’ve already backed them up. But I do run through my old photos once in a while and it’s really handy to have them all in one place.


This was an old photo strip that we took at the photo booth. We had one strip each. I lost mine when someone broke into my car and stole my bag which had my diary in it and the strip was in it. That was a really sad day. This strip belongs to Seow (as you can see, she’s in all 4 screens). She’s saved it in digital form so that age doesn’t fade the images.

That was us 2 decades ago. Wow!! 20 years!! That’s more than half my life!!! It was another lifetime away when things were so much simpler. I was all dark from my almost every day training under the sun with short cropped hair out of convenience. That was Edna getting ready for her studies in the UK. And Seow who looks just the same 20 years from then!!

Life was just about studies, having fun, gossiping, puppy love.

We can never turn back the clock. But I’m ever grateful that friends with shared memories are still with me. Once in a long while, when we are able to escape from the mundane responsibilities, we reminisce about our youthful foolish exploits once upon a time.

Friends for life, Darlings!!

It’s Just Not the Sim Way

It’s Just Not the Sim Way

As promised, this is appearing in my post. I’ve just upgraded to my iPhone 5. I’ve 2 lines, which means that now I can use my iPhone 4S for my second line!! Yay! My 3GS is nearing the end of its life span, the home button has gone totally kaputt. I’m getting by, using the touch assisted button. And the screen has been flickering.

But this means that I’ve to pay another $26 to get a new SIM card!! Sigh.

Ernest : No need to buy lar. Can cut wan.
Me : Cut?! Even from micro to nano?!
Ernest : Yes! I did it all on my own! Haven’t bought a single SIM card since I upgraded from iPhone 3.
Me : Ok… Help me cut!!

He printed out a template from the Internet, stuck the SIM card carefully on it, did the measurements and markings on the card and trimmed it neatly.

Ernest : There! (Feeling very proud of himself)
Me : (I took the card gingerly and scrutinised it) Why does it look so tiny?!
Ernest : Tiny? Correct what! Nano Sim, of course small!!
Me : Nano?! I don’t want nano!! I only want micro!!!
Ernest : you need nano for iPhone 5!!
Me : Noooooo! It’s for my 4s!!! My iPhone 5 already has a nano!!


Ernest : ok ok. Let me try to fix it.
Me : How!!

He whipped out the adhesive tape.
Me : (looks at him dubiously) Are you sure this is going to work?!
He was attempting to stick the trimmed edges back and trim it into a micro Sim. The end product was a Frankenstein Sim. He stuck it into the phone. We waited for it to detect. “No Sim detected”. Sigh. Sim pronounced dead…

It’s back to M1 for a new micro Sim. I’m destined to spend this $26….

Iphone 4S to Iphone 5

Iphone 4S to Iphone 5

All this waiting for the sync… in time to dash off a quick post.  I know that I shouldn’t even be complaining about this.  All that amount of information to be transferred from one phone to another phone is no mean feat.  20 years ago, no one can even imagine, walking around with a device that has 64Gb storage space, but it’s everywhere now.  And to transfer 32Gb of information… wow!

It’s my 3rd sync already!! Everything is nicely in, except for my whatsapp messages.  Sigh.. Whatsapp keeps giving me grief and yet I can’t do without it.  90% of my contacts have migrated to whatsapp, saving lots of sms cost…  It’s like the loss of an arm and a leg when my whatsapp is empty!!

I hope that this last sync will solve the problem.. I’m already late for an appointment… Sigh… The lengths I would go to, just for this upgrading process… When you are watching the clock, every second feels like an hour…