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Month: December 2011

Pop the Corn AGAIN!

Pop the Corn AGAIN!

I hope I’m not addicted to popcorn! I have been munching more popcorn in these 2 months than I had in the last 5 years!!

It all started from the Cornery popcorn that I ate while watching the Lion King musical at the Marina Bay Sands. Check out my yummy account here. I have been comparing the Garrett popcorn and the Cornery popcorn. I concluded that the Cornery butterscotch popcorn is way superior to the Garrett Caramel popcorn.

I was at Ion Orchard and I chanced upon the Cornery store. One amazing thing – they have a HUGE number of flavors to pick from! Hmmm… what a difficult decision. All look so yummy. I chose the butterscotch (who ever forgets her first love??) and a cheese one.

Cornery Popcorn!

There! My 2 tubs of Butterscotch and Cheese. I still love the butterscotch one! It still tastes WonderLicious! As for the cheese one, I find that it’s not as “well made” as the butterscotch one. The shape for one… it’s not round… And it is not coated evenly, with only one side having a sparse sprinkle of the cheese. You can see that in my photo. The cheese tasted like the snacks that I used to eat as a child. Compared to the Garrett’s one, the Cornery one tastes like it’s out of a snack bag. The Garrett’s one has a full-bodied cheesy taste. It’s nice and round and coated all over.

Verdict : Cheese – Garrett’s has a one up over the Cornery one.

宝贝’s 唐诗lesson

宝贝’s 唐诗lesson

Yep! I’m doing a whole series on 宝贝. She’s been especially chatty and hilarious recently. It’s a wonder how these little minds work. She sees the world from her simple perspective (one track mind) with her own wants being the highest priority in life.


宝贝:静夜诗。李白。床前明月光,我要去playground!! 举头望明月,低头思故乡。


This is her latest hobby, distorting all the mandarin poems to suit her mood of the day… Poor 李白, he must be turning in his grave.

宝贝’s Biology Lesson

宝贝’s Biology Lesson

妈妈:宝贝,快!一鼓作气把你的午餐吃完!(still attempting to drum that phrase into her)
宝贝:嘴巴吃饭 (nom nom nom *makes the eating sound* I swear it sounds like cookie monster!)
宝贝:(*sniff sniff) 呼~~~~~~吸~~~~~~(Looking exactly like the bunch of old folks who do 气功in front of our window every morning.
宝贝:^_^ (scrunches her face up in a huge grin with her eyes almost shut) 眼睛用来笑~~~~!(didn’t quite expect this answer but it does sound logical.)
宝贝:拿来玩!(tousles her hair with both hands)
宝贝:(*licks my arm)

Ewwww! Ok end of lesson. I don’t know what she will do next. (~_~;)

宝贝’s 成语 lesson

宝贝’s 成语 lesson


She has been modifying phrases and poems to her own liking….to be continued…