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Day: 18 October 2011

Pop the Corn!

Pop the Corn!

Popcorn lar! I’m just trying to be corny! Ooppss!

I’m not a big fan of popcorn and I probably eat it once in a few years. But I have had popcorn twice in a short span of 3 days!!! Overnight popcorn addict!

It all started with a tub of popcorn from the Sands Theater at the Marina Bay Sands.  With nothing much to choose from, we bought a tub of Butterscotch popcorn during the interval of the Lion King. (Hey! I should be writing about the Lion King, instead of popcorn!?)  It was heavenly!! Totally different from the crappy popcorn (which really put me off popcorn!) sold at the cinemas! Every popcorn was almost a perfect sphere and evenly coated with butterscotch.  When you put it in your mouth, it simply m.e.l.t.e.d… ahhh!!!  The great about the butterscotch coating was that it wasn’t overly sweet.  Therefore, it was simply effortless to devour the entire tub before you even realised it!! And the best thing was, I was so busy eating that I didn’t bother to find out which company made it…

Today, I was strolling through Parkway Parade basement looking for a snack.  I was actually contemplating buying an Auntie Anne’s pretzel, but didn’t as I just had one recently.  Then I came across a popcorn shop!  The memory of the wonderful popcorn “popped” into my head. But waaa!! $8 for the smallest bag?! hmm… Could this be the popcorn that I ate on Sunday? Maybe I should just give it a shot? It did look expensive enough though, but where’s the butterscotch flavour? Hmm.. Maybe I remembered wrongly, it’s possibly caramelcrisp?? And the cheesecorn looked yummy too.  I asked for a sample and the cheesecorn was tasty.  I’m such a sucker for cheese stuff!! So I dug into my lean wallet (sigh!) and ordered a small bag of Chicago Mix, which comprised of 1/2 cheesecorns and 1/2 caramelcrisp.

Remants of my Garrett Popcorn!

There! The remnants of my Garrett popcorn.  Half gone… And there goes my dinner as well.. I hope I can still stomach my dinner!

The Verdict:  I still prefer the Marina Bay Sands Theater Butterscotch popcorn! After eating the Garrett’s one, I realised that they were not the same! The Garrett ones were not as round… and the caramel initially was yummy.  But after a few, it was simply too sweet for me and it made me very thirsty.  The cheesecorn was a nice change.  I ended up hunting the cheesecorn amidst the caramel ones…
So which company produced the heavenly butterscotch popcorn?! Google is simply amazing.  Just type, Butterscotch, popcorn, marina bay sands theater and voila!!! The Cornery appeared!  Mystery solved!! That’s the best popcorn on earth!!!!