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Day: 15 June 2005

You Have, I Have!

You Have, I Have!

The lunchtime (or dinnertime) topics revolve around babies, babies and more babies! Argh!!! I think I will go mad if I were to hear more about what to eat, what not to eat during pregnancy down to which milk pump to use. Can you beat that?! Anyway, right after a girl gets married, the next most exciting thing would be to have a baby after the whirlwind of marriage.

One of my friends, who’s currently pregnant, commented,”There are a lot of pregnant ladies around. I was waiting for my friend for lunch at the junction and boy, do I see MANY pregnant women waddling around!!” I told her that it’s because she’s in a similar condition, therefore she noticed this.

It’s just like…. before you buy a car, yeah, you vaguely know that Singapore roads are congested, especially when you are in a rush (Notice how all traffic lights are red and lifts are always at the top floor when you are in a hurry. sheesh…). But after you have bought a car, you notice that, “Hey! Toyota is such a popular brand (you pat yourself on your back, good buy!!) that everyone on the road is driving one! (Down with Honda! Down with erm.. Mitsubishi etc) And a Silver one at that!!!!”

Strange! Suddenly the whole world is filled with pregnant women and silver Toyotas!!!!!

Hey! Everyone’s using an IBM laptop after I bought one! That’s a brilliant buy there, Ah Wei!