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Month: September 2003

My Son is a Gangster! Ha Dah!

My Son is a Gangster! Ha Dah!

The air was heavy with the smell of perspiration and stale odour of cigarette smoke. Clusters of people were congregated in the little Kopitiam. A Malay song, from a beaten radio, blared above the volume of the customers’ idle chatter.

In a little corner of the Kopitiam, a middle-aged man was recounting his son’s exploits with relish.

“When my son was in kindergarten arh, he asked me to give him money to buy sweets. So I told him, “Daddy is very poor, no money lar.” Then you know what he did?”

Prompted by his question, I replied (with a typical and standard answer), wearing a look of intense interest on my face, “No, what did he do?”

“Wa…. He went to the school the next day and asked his classmate to give him money!”

*Gasp* “Isn’t that extortion!?”

“Yalor! He told his classmate to give him money, or else he will beat him up!!!”

“Did his classmate hand his money over?”

“Yeah! He did! And he came home and gave me the money and said, “Papa, papa! You said you have no money. I give you money!”

“Then what did you do? Did you scold him?”

“Aiya. How can I have the heart to scold him? He didn’t extort money for himself leh. He did it for me! So smart! He’s thinking for me.” He chuckled happily, reliving the scene all over again.

“Oh…. Erm… “ Laughed uneasily. “Your son is…. So…rate.”

Just to keep accounts straight. This middle-aged man is a manager with high earning power and he owns a 2l car and a private apartment. I can’t help but wonder, how many of these little monsters will be churned out in this century, by the senseless indulgence of parents.

Hamster Jokes

Hamster Jokes

Story and characters are real and not fictitious. Names have been omitted to prevent these people from being jeered/insulted/having tomatoes thrown at them in public places.

*ring ring*

Me:Hey hey! I have picked up J’s birthday hamster!!It’s so Cuuuute!It is a he!!!

C: Oh really. (In a very bored tone)

Me: His birthday is on 18th August.

C:Wait. Let me take this down.

Me:Why are you taking it down? Didn’t know that you are so interested in hamsters…

C: Silence

Me:Oiy! Why are you taking down the hamster’s birthday?!

C:Hamster? You mean that’s not J’s birthday?

Me:Erm.. no.

C:Then say so lar!!!

*ring ring*

Me:Yo! I have your birthday present ready! Have to pass it to you!

(Mumble mumble. Meeting date + venue set.)

(Lugging a large cage with great difficulty)

J:Where’s my present? Why did you bring your hamster out? To show me?

Me: Hmmm… That’s not MY hamster.

J:Oh shit!

J is currently feeling very repentent for having hurt his hamster’s feelings with these harsh words. But his hamster (which is a he) is being subjected to more trauma, by being named… VIRGO! Ack!!! He is, at this very moment, trying very hard to dig a hole in the plastic tank, to tuck his head in.

Wednesday 24 September 2003 – Latest update!Virgo has been renamed as JJ. He is beginning to eat a little. There is a marked improvement in his appetite. Not only that, his nightmares have apparently ceased. He looks much happier and relieved.

Sunday… down the drain…

Sunday… down the drain…

SIgh.. THere goes my weekend. Less than 30 mins left til Mon! The most hated day of the week!

I had big plans for Sunday. The list went on and on…. I have only accomplished one miserable item!!

I have squandered my precious Sunday by playing flash games! Ack!! Can you believe it?! Me neither! Before I knew it, SUnday is GONE! The main culprit was Dynomite! If you have great faith in yourself, click on the link, by all means!

I am presently experiencing cramps in my right hand and fingers, having maintained the mouse position for the whole day. Hmm… Come to think of it, my thumb looks swollen! Arghghgh! There! I hear an offer (from my brother) for a hand massage. He is probably feeling the pangs of guilt for having introduced me to the website. Huh!

Report Woes

Report Woes

Halfway through a Matrix Report… Yawn!

Why is it that whenever I’m working, I would think of:

1. Sleeping

2. Blogging

3. Net Surfing

4. Watching TV

5. Eating Snacks (‘Working’ is very detrimental for Health and Figure!!)

6. Etc

Basically, anything BUT working?!

Very bad attitude. I would sack me if I were my boss. Ack!

Dedicated to all hamster lovers out there!!

Dedicated to all hamster lovers out there!!

Yep yep! Recently I have been dosed with the hamster madness. Instead of fixing my eyes on the goggle box, I have diverted my attention to the hamster forum. Stumbled across it recently (Ok ok, not so recent after all… I have been sadly lacking with the updating of my blog. BUT I am making up for it! See! Postings on consecutive days!! *gives myself a pat on the back*).

Wealth of information on hamsters in there and loads of helpful and fun people. Highly recommended! Duma, take note of this to refine your links taste-o-meter! Blah!!

Linked the image to the forum. Hope the forum master doesn’t mind.

Housekeeping… La la la

Housekeeping… La la la

Hmm.. 2 days of blogging in a row. There may still be hope for me!!

Have done some housekeeping. Updated some outdated links (erm.. actually, 1 only.) Got rid of some dead links. Don’t think those people will get their butts back to blogging.

K.. Will have to come up with a new template soon…..

Newsflash Newsflash! (5 month old news actually!)

Newsflash Newsflash! (5 month old news actually!)

My brain cells die at an exponential rate with each passing year… I have just realised (Yep! No excuse for this! After 5 whole months!) that I have forgotten to put this important news into my blog. I have got a new hamster!! Not very new actually… It’s already 6 months old (Taking into account, that hamsters have a general lifespan of 1.5-2 years!! He’s going through his quarter life crsis!!!). Lena gave him to me for my birthday! To replace Hammie (Oiy! Aren’t you proud that I named my last hamster after you?!) whom I have left behind in Germany.

Annd… His name is… (Ta da!!) PUDDING! His godmother (aka Lena Mama) has criticised this name, citing that it’s totally unoriginal… Acks! He is a Winter White Pudding (Name of his breed). And it is really coincidental that Mango Pudding is one of my (numerous) favourite desserts!! Yum yum!! But, little did I know, that this name would be his downfall….. The little hamster has evolved into a wobbly, orange pudding on little patter feet, living up to his namesake.

No amount of exercise nor dieting can alter his bottom heavy figure. I think Marie France or Expressions would do very well to come up with a Hamster Fats Reducing Programme. I am patiently waiting for this day to arrive, so that my little (or not so little) Pudding can recover his slim figure. Meanwhile, it’s back to good ole Hamster Ball!!