Dante’s Inferno Test
Feeling very bloggable tonight.
After all the evil and vengeful thoughts I have had for the whole night, I have decided to attempt the Dante’s Inferno Test.
The wretched King Minos has decided your fate. His tale (duh.. some spelling error here. I think it should be “tail” though I might be wrong.) wraps around his body 5 times.
The sweet light no longer strikes against your eyes.Your shade has been banished to… the 5th level of Hell
The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Extreme |
Level 6 – The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Very High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 – Cocytus (Treacherous) | Moderate |
Take the Dante’s Inferno Hell Test
Oh ho ho! It says here that I am wrathful and gloomy..!!! I love it! I love it!