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When there’s a Rainbow in your Heart

When there’s a Rainbow in your Heart

I had drafted out a nasty piece to vent my unhappiness over a recent incident. But I deleted it. It’s a pity because I was quite impressed with my English.  Somehow my language level shoots up when I get mad. I’ve never realised that I’ve such a huge vocabulary of swear words and flowery descriptive phrases stored in my brain. ?

Then I figured, why should I let it affect me? Leave a blemish in my blog that serves as a memory of an abhorrent person who’s just a passerby in my journey of life, just like the cockroach which scuttled across my kitchen floor. 

Every day, there are bits and pieces of events that don’t necessarily go according to my preferences. And if I keep holding the grudge that everyone else is luckier than I am, other people’s cups are always fuller, everyone out there is waiting for the opportunity to backstab me and everything that has gone wrong is always other people’s fault and not mine, then I’ll be a very sorry existence of a human being. 

I look at my life. I have a wonderful family and a bunch of supportive friends. That’s enough. As long as you have a rainbow ? in your heart, you will see rainbows everywhere. Even on the balcony floor. ? And you’ll find the pot of gold that’s at the end of it. (Yes. I’m a huge fan of fairy tales!)

But if one’s eyes are smeared with excretion, then everything one sees will be coated with a layer of *hold nose*. This group of people don’t need help to bring agony into their lives, they just need to look into the mirror. 

So, my philosophy is to live well and love much! ?