Super moody today…. 😩

Even the yummiest cookie tastes like 💩 without girls. What’s the meaning of life??
Wha..aaattt?! I’m overreacting?? Ok ok. Since I’m in a monk’s class, I’ll meditate to cool down. 🧘🏻♂️
Orhmm orhmm… where are the girls… orhmm orhmm… where girls… orhmm orhmm….

I haven’t been posting because I’ve been so so so depressed. Sigh….. 😞
Look at this 👇🏼

Depressing right??
What do you mean what’s wrong???
Look carefully (don’t blink!) 👇🏼

See the Problemo???

All the Mei meis are MISSING!!!
See!!! All boys in the class!!! Oh my Mei meis are gone! Oh Laura! Oh Taylor!!
Before the school holidays, my class was full of babes who milled around me for my attention and now…
Only boys!! I’m in an all boys class!! I’m in depression!! It’s what they call a monk’s class!!
Mama!! I want to change class! Or I’m going on STRIKE! No more going to school for me!!
Mama do you hear me???

Na ah! I’m not going to change my mind.
No school for me until you bring the girls back.
Meanwhile I’m going to homeschool myself. *reads my car car book*

And so… I went to school, to my monk’s class because Mama said the school fee has been paid and I must go to school, with or without girls in class.
Tough luck!
“Are you going to school to learn or to see girls?!” She asked.
I wanted to say “beo girls, of course!” But she looked so….

That I thought I’d better keep my big mouth shut….

Hey wait!! Who do we have here??? Looks like there’s a bit of rainbow 🌈 after the rain 🌧.

A Mei Mei! Someone up there must have heard my prayers.
Hey babe! My name’s Ming Ming. What’s yours? Can we be friends?

Awww owl, are you fine? Can I keep you for a pet?? *pats the owl lovingly.* what? Ok ok. Mustn’t get distracted. F.O.C.U.S.

Eating together at snack time.
Nom nom nom. Say, how do you find this class? Cool, right?? Will you stay? I can protect you. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
I can even give you my biscuit 🍪! Nah!
Huh? What do you mean? I’m coming on too strongly? Scare her away? Ok ok. Chill chill!
It wouldn’t do if she leaves the class and I’m back to facing 7 monks. 😱 Kill me pulease!

Gosh! There are owls lying everywhere. I just rescued one from the floor.