Chronicles of the Destructive Force Part 1
The destructive force swept through my house like a hurricane. Within 1 week of HBL, he’s broke :
- the Angel of Hope I carefully brought back from the States. He was hitting his table tennis balls in the house and it knocked it off the display shelf and beheaded it. I was hopping mad. He tearfully emptied his entire piggy bank of $35 and borrowed $22 from Daddy (to be paid back in instalments of $2 per week) to buy one off EBay.
- all these table tennis balls. I’ve absolutely no idea how he managed to crack them up like this. That’s why he’s named the destructive force.
- a Gaudi display mug that’s twice his age. I was bathing when he did it so I’d absolutely no idea what he did. When I came down, he was 罚站 in a corner in the living room. Unable to find it online for him to buy it and go into further debt. Do not be mistaken that he’s crying out of remorse. He’s agonised because he’s had his computer game and tv rights removed for 1 month.

At the rate he’s going, I won’t have a house left by the end of HBL. 😩
#hbl #sigina #xiaoxiaobaobei #destructiveforce #angelofhope #gaudi #tabletennis