小小宝贝’s First ePTM

小小宝贝’s First ePTM

The first ePTM (parent teacher meeting) ever since he started primary school. We didn’t have one last year due to covid.

“I can’t believe it! 弟弟‘s teachers said he’s such a well behaved boy in class, very quiet (huh!!!) not a social butterfly (huh!!), very focused and attentive blah blah blah. His Chinese teacher even said he’s the most responsible 小组长 and can be entrusted with everything. When I told them he made friends with the boy standing behind him while queueing for chicken rice, they were totally surprised!”

姐姐-“Erm Mummy, did you remember to write his name as your nick when you joined the zoom meeting?”

“Hmm… I forgot. I used my own name.” “Maybe they thought you were another student’s Mummy and they were not referring to him. 🤷🏻‍♀️”
“Good point there!! There were talking about his classmate and not him!”

弟弟-“I’m a very good boy in school ok!!! 😡”

“Then why are you so naughty at home? I’m going to send your home videos to your teachers so that they can see your true colours!!”
“Nooo….!!!! 😭” #evilmom #siginna #devilathomeangelinschool

That’s his art homework (surrealism – incorporate a vegetable or fruit into drawing). A cucumber boat.

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