The Kitchen God’s Wife – Amy Tan
I read this book when it first came out (yep, I am one of those readers who keep rereading the same few books that they have read. I have read Harry Potter’s first few books like 5-8 times. I have even read Gone with the Wind for 4 times??). Once I decide that I like a particular author, I typically start stalking the shelves for her books. I started off with Amy Tan’s “The Joy Luck Club” before progressing to other books.
Her books focus on mother-daughter relationships. I can almost see myself in the role of the daughter. Like all children, I sometimes find myself irritated when my mom keeps reminding me or doing certain things over and over again in her own way (not my way… just like any self entitled kid, I want it “my own way”.) We think we know better, we think we are smarter.
I forgot that, long ago, my mother was young once, reckless once, and probably was a wild one. Maybe, I should document her stories (inspired by Amy Tan). *ponder* I spend more time now, listening to her talk (my late father used to be her sounding board and I guess there’s no one to listen to her now), sometimes repeating the same story a few times. I find myself looking forward to hear her chatter about anything under the sun, because it means more to spend present time with her than to spend time regretting not spending enough time.
So Amy Tan’s books serve as a good reminder of that.