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Earning Pocket Money

Earning Pocket Money

It all started one day when 宝贝 lamented that she’s taking forever to save up for something she wanted. Holding her head between her hands, she was poring over her daily accounts book to see where she could squeeze out more money.

“Well, if you can’t do away with the necessities and save more money, then you will have to make more money. Do you want to make money?”


“Ok. I need someone to distribute flyers. Do you want to do it?”

“You mean stand on the square and give out paper to the passerbys?”

“Yep. I will pay $2 per hour. So, do you want to do it?”

She nodded eagerly. She probably didn’t realise that it’s harder than it seemed. Having done road shows, exhibitions, flag donations, school building donations and even kart kiosks, I know how difficult it was, even for an adult.

“But I want you to do it with me! And Di Di too!”

“Ok fine! I will distribute flyers right beside you!” Walk the talk right?! No sweat. I have thick skin anyway. Di Di aka 小小宝贝 also agreed. Not knowing what he was in for.

So I grabbed some flyers for the tuition centre (Check out Master Class for English tuition for P5-JC2. No point wasting a chance to advertise! Don’t worry, I’m not the one teaching. We have fully qualified MOE teachers hailing from top schools holding the fort.). And we decided to give out flyers outside Parkway Centre, after her dance class.

The BIG Day arrived. Armed with a small stack of flyers, we stood around the basement, among other flyer distributors.

“You only gave me 5 flyers!” She flapped her sheets at me.

“I will give you more when you have used them up. Let’s just do it for 15 minutes first. How much would you  have earned by then?”

Frowning in deep thought, “50 cents? Does Didi get that too?”

“Of course!” Meanwhile, Didi was loitering near the ice cream shop display, ignoring us.

“Hokay! Let’s start!”

I did a few demonstrations and received many rejections, as usual. When I finally succeeded in giving out my first flyer, I smiled triumphantly at 宝贝. She was standing behind me, holding her flyers, looking at me doubtfully.

“There will always be rejections. It’s just part of it. It’s ok. Just persist!” Giving her the YOU-CAN-DO-IT sign.

She spent the next 5 minutes drawing circles on the ground with her shoe.

“Eh, hurry up leh!”

“I’m thinking of how to do it!”

“Ok, let me demonstrate again!”

Then the slew of excuses came. “It’s drizzling! I don’t want to stand in the rain!” “That’s my friend! I don’t want to give this to her!” “They don’t want to take it!”

She finally worked up her courage and walked boldly towards a parent, but one foot away, she suddenly turned around and strode back.

“What happened?!”

“I’m too shy! And why is Di di not doing it! He’s just looking at the ice creams!”

Ok fine! I called 小小宝贝over. “Eh! Are you here to distribute flyers or look at ice creams? Do you want to buy things?” He nodded eagerly. “Do you have money?” He shook his head. “So how?”

The little one said, “I must give out flyers to the uncles and aunties.”

“Ok Good! Tell you what, for every flyer you give out I give you 10 cents! Ok???”

“Yay!” Sigh… Expensive wages..

He looked at me wondering what to do next. Sigh. He was oogling at ice creams when I was doing my demonstrations. So, I gave out a few flyers to show him what to do. I pointed him to the parents sitting around the cafes and Macdonalds.

Without a word, he trotted up to a parent who was messaging on his phone, stood beside him and stared at him with his big round eyes, carrying his cute Eeyore bag and handed out a flyer to him. And… the scumbag waved him away!! Couldn’t he see that a little 4 year old was mustering up his courage to do that?!

Surprisingly, he wasn’t daunted. He walked up to another parent and handed the flyer to him. (Somehow he preferred to give out to Daddies). The daddy smiled and took it from him and patted his head.

He turned to me and gave me the brightest smile ever and hopped in glee. Then he went on to give out another one. The daddy walked past him (he was too small) and didn’t see him, then suddenly realised that the little kid was trying to give him something. He turned back and took the flyer from 小小宝贝.

Meanwhile, 宝贝 also tried to give out her flyers after watching her brother do it. Only to be waved away as though she was a pesky fly. (These parents will get their just desserts!!! Will it kill just to take a piece of paper from a child?!)

Then the hub’s call came. OK. Time to leave.

And so, 小小宝贝 made 20 cents.

Everyone agreed to do it again the next week. 宝贝decided that she would give out at least 1 flyer the next time. 小小宝贝 was looking forward to it as he had first tasted the joy of making money!

Some friends widened their eyes and exclaimed, “Waa! Zun Bo!?” Well, it’s a way to teach them the value of money, that it’s not easy to make money and to only spend the hard-earned money on things that they need. It’s also a way to build up courage and approach people. I find that our children are too soft and too dependent on us, parents, to do everything for them. We need to let them do things on their own, do the tough things, albeit in a safe environment. And definitely, facing up to rejections. It’s not easy to take rejections, but I always believe that, with every rejection, we will just emerge stronger and build thicker skins!

Taking the first step is always the hardest. But once, the step is taken, the rest will follow. For 宝贝, if her 4 year old brother can do it, there shouldn’t be a reason why she can’t do it as well.

So if you happen to be around Parkway Parade on Saturday morning, do come over and say hi to us and give some words of encouragement to the 宝贝s!

If you want your children receive free flyer distribution lesson, you are welcome too! But you pay them their wages ok!!




Car Rides with the Little Ones! I Love THEM!

Car Rides with the Little Ones! I Love THEM!

“How do you know whom she has recess with every day? And that she plays badminton during recess?!” the Hub asked in surprise.

“Of course! I asked her when I drove her to school.  Don’t you talk to her when you drive her to school every day?! You have already driven her for half a year!!” The hub is 宝贝’s regular chauffeur, aka taxi driver. I took over as the relief driver when he had to go overseas for a business trip.

“No leh… Both of us are very tired in the morning. So we just listen to the music on the radio… ”

Well, I LOVE car rides to bits!

I have been chauffeuring my 宝贝s to classes, because my job has more flexibility with regards to working hours. (However, that means that I can practically work round the clock! I often go back to the office at 6pm in the evenings, after dropping the kids home after classes.)

I have always believed in interacting with them even when they were babies. (Ok. I admit that I’m Miss Talkative!) Even before they started talking, I would carry on monologues with them in the car, while I drove. They would be able to reply in their own baby talk, even though they were not able to form words yet. Or we would sing nursery rhymes together (they chimed along in their baby language) as we sped down the expressways.

When they get older, they would tell me what happened in schools and what they have been doing at home.  Even my 小小宝贝 would actively participate with his limited vocabulary. It’s hilarious to hear his descriptions and he often surprises me with new words, which he’s probably picked up from here and there.

This is the best time for parent-child bonding, when we are enclosed within the space, when we are in “a world of our own”. In the car, she tells me who her BFFAE (for the uninitiated ones, it means Best Friend Forever And Ever) is, who her BFF (Best Friend Forever, yes… there IS a differentiation.) is, who the naughty kids in school are, what her aspirations are, how many times her little brother hit her, how proud she is of her small little achievements. It is also during these car rides, when she learns to ask me about others, how great-grandmother is, when she will be discharged from the hospital, what I did for assembly when I was in primary school and more.

So, if you think ferrying your children around is a waste of your time, think again. Time is never wasted if you know how to utilise it. We were on this topic during this morning’s car ride (yes… the Hub is on business trip again…).

She queued twice to get 2 plates of chicken rice because she was hungry after devouring one plate (I have no idea where all these extra food went on her skinny frame) and she didn’t have time to go to the library or play badminton because of that. So today, she’s just going to queue once and buy a bigger portion.

So, I tell her, during the car rides, that my aspiration is to be her BFFAEAE! (must be one up from the BFFAE!)


The Story of the Missing Raisin – 小小宝贝

The Story of the Missing Raisin – 小小宝贝

My not-so-new New Year resolution is to blog more… I do have a lot which I want to share, but I simply must pen them down before I forget them!!

Somehow, when 小小宝贝 first learnt about numbers, he had decided to adopt “8” as his favourite number and thus, til today, everything comes in eights…. not 7, not 9, but 8!!!

小小宝贝 : (pushing his raisins around his bowl with his finger) Mama, you didn’t give me 8 raisins! (in his loud, indignant, righteous voice!)

Me : Of course I did! I counted them as I put them into your bowl.

小小宝贝 : No you didn’t!!

Me : count them yourself! I gave you 8! And that’s it! No more raisins!!

小小宝贝 : ok! I’m counting!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… 9!! See!! You didn’t give me 8 raisins!! No. 8 is missing!!! (glared at me as thought it’s my fault!!)

Me : No…! After 7 is 8!!! Not 9!

小小宝贝 : You didn’t give me 8 raisins!!

Me : …… (Trying to pull a fast one on me!!) It should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! See! 8!

小小宝贝 : It’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and this is no. 9!! No. 8 is missing!

Me : Ok.. since this is raisin no. 9, so it’s not raisin no. 8. Correct??

小小宝贝 : (nodded his head fervently)

Me : ok. (popped raisin no. 9 into my mouth) No more raisin no. 9.

小小宝贝 : Noooo…..!!!! YOU ATE MY RAISIN!!! RETURN ME MY RAISIN!!!!!

Me : (I can’t believe this is over one tiny piece of dried up fruit.) See… now it’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8! 8 raisins!!

小小宝贝 : Nooooo…!!! You ate my 8th raisin!!!! (Wailed as though I had killed his mother… )

Me : Shall I return you raisin no. 8??

小小宝贝 : (nodded tearfully)

Me : there! Raisin no. 8. Are there 8 raisins in the bowl now???

小小宝贝 : (nodded but still giving me the evil eye…)

Mama 1- 小小宝贝 0

It’s all about Maths, baby! 


Greedy Toddler


The Last Time

The Last Time

We have a no-gadgets rule when we are around the children at home.  I can totally understand the agony a drug addict goes through when he goes cold turkey.  Thank goodness it’s not for the whole day. Initially, when the children demanded my attention, I would be thinking,” Aiya… Hurry up! Go and sleep! So that I can get back to my cyber life on the phone!” Bad Mommy here!

The good news is, it only takes a few days of conditioning before I was weaned off that attitude.  They grow up so very quickly.  My little 宝贝口水妹 will be attending primary school next year and my 小小宝贝 has already turned two! Where has all the time gone!? 小小宝贝 giggles and rolls around when I tickle him.  It’s still a novel sensation for him. 宝贝口水妹 pushes me away and glares at me, “Mama! I don’t like it!” She used to giggle and roll around when she was a tot. Sigh…!

So now, I treat every experience like it’s the last, because they outgrow it so very fast!! One day, he will stop caressing my face and pepper with it with kisses.  He would probably say,”Ewww…! That’s so sissy!” Or something like that. Soon they will be too big for me to cuddle and hug, they will probably tower over me in a few years.  Not a difficult feat, considering my dwarven size…

When I came across this poem, it felt so apt! It’s not fantastic in grammar and neither does it look very “chim”, but I’m sure all the parents can appreciate it. So, taking the words from Robin Williams’ Dead Poets Society – Carpe Diem!

The Last Time

From the moment you hold your baby in your arms,

You will never be the same.

You might long for the person you were before,

When you had freedom and time,

And nothing in particular to worry about.

You will know tiredness like you never knew before,

And days will run into days that are exactly the same,

Full of feedings and burping,

Nappy changes and crying,

Whining and fighting,

Naps or a lack of naps,

It might seem like a never-ending cycle.

But don’t forget,

There is a last time for everything.

There will come a time when you will feed

your baby for the very last time.

They will fall asleep on you after a long day

And it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child.

One day you will carry them on your hip then set them down,

And never pick them up that way again.

You will scrub their hair in the bath one night

And from that day on they will want to bathe alone.

They will hold your hand to cross the road,

Then never reach for it again.

They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles,

And it will be the last night you ever wake to this.

One afternoon you will sing “the wheels on the bus”

and do all the actions,

Then never sing them that song again.

They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate,

The next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone.

You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face.

They will run to you with arms raised for the very last time.

The thing is, you won’t even know it’s the last time

Until there are no more times.

And even then,

It will take you a while to realise.

So while you are living in thee times,

remember there are only so many of them

and when they are gone,

you will yearn for just one more day of them.

For one last time.

~ Anonymous

Amped Trampoline Park – Bouncing Fun!

Amped Trampoline Park – Bouncing Fun!

I’ve been a “single mom” for the last 2 weekends. I was running out of ideas to bring the kids out to places where they can be tired out in the shortest possible time. (ko so that I can have an afternoon of peace). I was toying with the idea of going rock climbing but 小小宝贝 couldn’t take part in it as he’s too young. I vaguely remembered from Shimian’s blog that there’s a trampoline place in the east.

Easy peasey. Did a google on it and yes!!! They allow young children into the trampoline area as long as they are able to walk, under the supervision of a parent.

So Amped Trampoline Park it is! I tried to book slots online but wow! It was full on sat! This place is really popular! So I settled for Sun morning.


And there’s free parking right beneath it!! Also a kopitiam on 1st floor. But it’s hard to starve in that area. It’s surrounded by good food.


As instructed in the website we brought along socks. Socks are sold at $3 for forgetful people. I was tempted to buy a pair for myself. They are non slip socks. It’s hard to find non slip socks for preschoolers and adults.

The 2 宝贝s couldn’t wait to get started. It’s a chore to get 2 excited kids to pose beautifully. Sigh!

As soon as we went through the net, 宝贝 abandoned us and bounced around happily on her own…



The next time I spotted her, she was drowning happily in the foam pit. I was so tempted to bounce around myself. But parental duties first. I had to shadow Mr 小小宝贝 around.

Initially he was upset that he couldn’t walk properly as everyone bounced around him and he lost his balance. He figured out that the easiest way to move around was to run along the adjoining blue strips. There he went!



Then he got a little bolder and started venturing onto the black trampoline surfaces.


Finally he couldn’t resist it and started jumping on it.




There he was! Landing with finesse after a baby jump.

And surprise surprise! Guess who we met there! My brother!!


His first time there too!!

I was conked out after 40 mins of running after 小小宝贝. Meanwhile I only saw flashes of 宝贝 hopping around. She sure has good stamina.

Conclusion : instant success! 宝贝 is already asking when I’m bringing here there again. And she wants to go with Jiu Jiu who can teach her tricks as he used to be a gymnast.

Proof of result :


✌️Peace reigns! That’s why I’ve time to blog now!

We are 100% going again! Anyone wants to come along??!!

Amped Trampoline Park
369 Tanjong Katong Road, Singapore 437126
(Level 2, above the kopitiam
*Entrance is up the staircase at the back near the carpark
*Free parking at location
Tel: 8669 4894


Wa Nang Si Hokkien Lang! (We are Hokkiens!)

Wa Nang Si Hokkien Lang! (We are Hokkiens!)

As the official chauffeur of the house, as usual, I was performing my duty of ferrying my bosses around.  I had to keep my eyes peeled on the roads as my bosses relaxed behind, indulging in light banter.

宝贝 :Simi Daiji?? (What’s up?)

小小宝贝 :Bo Daiji! (Nothing!)

宝贝 :Simi Daiji?? (What’s up?)

小小宝贝 :Wu Daiji! (Something!)

宝贝 :Siginna!! (Naughty! Well actually, the direct translation is something worse… Don’t learn lar!)

小小宝贝 :Siginna!! (Naughty!)

*Lots of giggling and shouting behind*

Me : Ooooiii!! Are the two of you doing some Hokkien talk show behind?!?! Speak English or Mandarin OK!!!! Sheesh!

宝贝 :OK Mama!!! Didi, Simi Daiji???

小小宝贝 :BO DAIJI!!


Here we go again….

Creating Space in Cloud

Creating Space in Cloud

I’m using an iPhone 5 56gb. Believe it or not, I’m down to 500mb. My brother went…? how can anyone use up so much storage just on photos?! Don’t you back it up???

The truth is, I do. In fact I’m extremely kiasu after my phone crashed and I lost a lot of data, once upon a time… Now I back up on my iMac and I back up my iMac on another portable hdd. ? (ok ok I see people shaking their heads and tsk tsking.)

The number of photos balloons right after the birth of 宝贝 and after the arrival of 小小宝贝 it became totally unmanageable. Children tend to move so much that the multiple speed of the point and shoot camera can’t keep up with it. So it’s all trigger free with the iPhone camera. Them the trick is to delete the unwanted ones.

The problem with being a Mom is…. All the repeated photos look so adorable even though they have just a slight difference that can’t be detected by non-mom’s eyes. So…. I ended up keeping all of them. (Sheepish look). And even though I’ve made numerous copies of back up, I just can’t help keeping them with me on my mobile so that I can run through them and reminisce about the moments, especially when I’m tired and depressed.

So, ya, my 56gb iPhone is full. And I’m going on a 3 weeks’ holiday with no extra storage space for my holiday photos!!! Horror of all horrors! So being a tech idiot I wanted the easiest and no brainer way out – buy a new iPhone with larger storage space. (I know I know… People say, buy an android phone with extra mem cards. I’m a die hard apple fan and they have the best customer service around.)

I tried for day and night…. The M1 (my telco) website was either
1. Too busy – message says come back in 15 minutes (more like 15 days)
2. When I tried at unearthly hours, I managed to get to the payment page then it says “error”!!! (I swear they must have blacklisted my ip or something!!)
3. Taken down because of security loopholes.

Not only that, It’s sold out on apple website.

Ok. Plan failed. ?

I was moping around and complaining to everyone, threatening to change telco, until my highly intelligent brother said “why don’t you upload it onto a cloud storage?!”
“Huh?? Safe or not?? Celebrities’ photos get splashed online leh.”
(With more eye rollings) “please lar!!! You celebrity meh?! You have nude photos?!”
“Now not. Maybe next time??? I’ve nude photos of my 宝贝s. What if they become celebrities or ministers in future?”

Ok ok. As I already have an existing google drive (there are numerous other cloud storages but this is the most convenient one for me.), I uploaded the past holiday photos with no nude ones. And freed up 2gb!! Yay!!


And if I run out of storage just buy more lor.

google drive

At US$1.99 per month, it’s way way way much cheaper than getting an iPhone 6. Now I can wait for apple to fine tune the iPhone 6 and for the mad queue to cease before I saunter into the telco shop and get my iPhone 6 without sweat.

Another tip : don’t upgrade your storage through the phone app! Do it through the desktop website. It’s 4x cheaper! ?

Tiger Mom! Cat Mom! Kitten Mom!

Tiger Mom! Cat Mom! Kitten Mom!

I was in two minds, whether or not to blog about this. But, with the exuberant encouragement from JH, I have decided to embark on this perilous project and pray that I don’t get unfriended. Haha.

I just had dinner with 2 long time friends. Well it was supposed to be 5 of us. But one flew our aeroplane ✈️ (double booked and decided to bail out on us) and we flew an aeroplane on another one because of a science test (or was it maths?? Never mind…).

Ok. Back to the topic…. I was never a very “children” person. Before I had one of my own, when I went out with my “mom status” friends, by the time they were 10 minutes into kids’ talk, my mind had wandered off and my eyes glazed over. Ya. I was THAT bad. I’m happy to say that, now that I’ve my own children, I’m a lot better. My attention span on such topics has greatly improved.

Well, what can 3 Mommies talk about over dinner?? Obviously, kids lah! This time it’s about education!

Boy oh boy! The very much controversial topic. Yes. We may have different views on it but still friends, ya?!

I’ve read about tiger moms, heard about tiger moms, and a friend has even jokingly called me “tiger mom” (ha! If you are reading this, you know who you are!) But I swear that’s because they haven’t met a REAL one!! I’m at most a kitten mom. *blush* ☺️

Anyway, I’ve come to realise that it requires a lot of dedication, perserverence and of course vitamin M to qualify as a tiger mom. So I truly respect her for being to achieve it, on top of being a working mom whose job requires a fair bit of overseas travelling.

Her no 1 has taekwando classes 3x a week, learning lab science 1x a week, piano 1x a week, Chinese at berries 1x a week, ballet 1x a week, swimming 1x a week, and some tuition a few times a week (sorry, I kind of lost track because by then my eyes had already glazed over at the descriptions and I’m sure I’ve got most of it down).

Her no 2 has ballet, shichida, music and swimming (I think).

On top of all these, she coaches them on their studies, practises piano with them. When she’s on business trips, she sets them tasks and calls home to make sure that they stick to it.

Seriously, I doubt I can ever attain that kind of tiger mom nirvana. I’ve neither the patience nor the dedication.

That’s why I am at most, a kitten mom. I’ve restricted my no 1 to 3 enrichment classes and I thought I was already very hardworking! Hahahaha! Little do I know…. And I’ve totally given up on putting my no 2 in enrichment classes. He just amuses himself by pushing his stroller around the mall while his sister attends her 2 classes on sat. The lazy mom (me) just watches him indulgently, while he’s doing his weekly exercise.

The education topic discussion was adjourned as cat mom (because although her children have enrichment classes and tuition classes but fewer than eh hem, you know who.. ) needed to go home to coach her no 1 on a science/maths test.

Somehow “tiger mom” has a negative connotation to it. But it doesn’t have to be so. Just like not everyone can be the prime minister of a state, being a tiger mom is not for everyone. Every parent wants the best for their children. I just hope that all children will recognise the love that every parent has for them. It’s also a matter of choice.

I love my freedom too much to want to give it up and dedicate all my time to my children. No matter how much I love them, I still need time and space for myself so that I don’t lose my own identity. Besides being a mom, I’m also a wife, a daughter, a grand daughter, a sister and my own individual being. And yes I need 8 hours of sleep a day or I’ll become a snappish alligator the next day. (Be forewarned!)

Meanwhile I need to work on my tiger mom characteristics though I doubt that I’ll do very well in that aspect. But like my mom always says, it’s good to have aspirations! ROARRRrrrr!!! ?

IMG_4351.JPG *image kindly sourced and provided by JH*

*special request from tiger mom* eh! I’m not so selfless leh! I still take time off for monthly facials, dinner with friends, once a month take leave for a date with hubby and I watch Korean dramas after the children sleep!!

Ok ok! So I conclude…. She’s not just tiger mom, but…. Super Tiger Mom!!! Tee Hee!!