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Category: Growing Up Beautifully

PSLE Furore

PSLE Furore

When I picked up 宝贝from school after her PSLE Maths paper, I asked her how it was. She replied that it was not very easy, but ok lah. She said she wasn’t sure of 1 or 2 of the questions and she assured me that she “checked” through her paper thoroughly (which was usually just flipping through… roll eyes).

“Mommy! Check with you! Is 1kg 1000g or 100g?”

“1000g lah!! KILO leh!”

“Oh no!! I put 1000g initially then when I checked through, I decided to change it to 100g!” she moaned.

“How many points?”

“2 points.”

“Ok lah… won’t die.”

So she was happy again.

Little did I know that, the Maths paper was the subject of such a huge uproar on the internet.

Mid afternoon, my phone sprang to life with a deluge of messages! I thought, “Waaa! Stock market crashed or what?! Or covid hit 10,000???” There were messages popping up in many chat groups and some personal messages asking me about the difficulty of the paper. I was like, “She said ok leh.” And I was bombarded by dozens of copies of screenshots of parents who had taken to social media lamenting about their kids breaking down, vomiting, fainting, or dunno what. And there were open letters being shot to every single MP in Singapore (I am not surprised if PM Lee received quite a few of those.) Even ex-journalists with or without children weighed in on that.

I was truly shocked at all these. Even if PSLE is a major exam, but does it even warrant such a furore? Over the years, I have heard from friends that their children thrashed their textbooks and notes, some even burning them right after PSLE. I am a person who respects books as they contain knowledge and we must always respect knowledge. I can’t imagine what kind of hatred they have for PSLE to justify for such behaviour.

Our children take their cues from us. If we, as parents put an over emphasis on PSLE, then it is highly likely that they would treat it like it is a matter of life and death? Seriously, PSLE is not the end of the road. Many of my friends even told me that they were more stressed up about the exam than their kids…

Many blame the MOE, the society, the school and well, everyone else except themselves for the “stress” on PSLE. Maybe, we should look within ourselves. Are we the ones who are truly stressing our kids out? No doubt it is an important exam and should be taken seriously, but there is life after that.

Coming back to the difficult Maths paper, according to 宝贝, it was not easy but doable. After all, there will always be a few difficult questions to filter out the top students from the average. How many people out there can get full marks for an exam paper? No full marks won’t die wan lah. After all, what’s done is done. There is no point in comparing answers, berating the child or making a huge fuss out of it. I just want to give my 宝贝 a good hug and tell her that no matter what the results are, she has already done her best. Let us move on and look forward to an exciting Secondary school journey! She is already doing market research on which trendy bag to buy for Secondary school…

Meanwhile, she has been playing Roblox every day after the first PSLE paper. Macham like holiday has already started… and ya, we play Roblox together with her too. Haha! PSLE is over for me! Yay!

Coping with HBL – Timetables and Schedules

Coping with HBL – Timetables and Schedules

HBL here we come!! 💪🏼 The kiddos used their last HBL schedules as a reference and did up their new timetables for this round. It’s much easier this time as they’ve done it before.

Xiaoxiaobaobei's Timetable
Xiaoxiaobaobei’s Timetable
Baobei's Timetable
Baobei’s Timetable
Baobeis with their Timetables
Baobeis with their Timetables

Time management is a life skill. Kind of liking this home schooling thingy as I can add on more extra stuff. 😈😈

We’ve done our 1h swimming this morning. Slightly behind schedule but we will catch up! I noticed that the kiddos added a lot of buffer in the planning. There are lots of food breaks. 🤔 And SOMEONE certainly doesn’t take 30 mins for piano practice. More like 5 mins. 😓

Looking very serious with HBL
Looking very serious with HBL
Timetable right in his face
Timetable right in his face
We are on ZaoBao!!
We are on ZaoBao!!

Zaobao (早报) picked up on the news and we are on the news!! ok ok.. cheap thrill….

#hbl #covid_19 #zaobao #timetable #baobeis

Gaming is Serious Business

Gaming is Serious Business

This is serious business. He spent 15 minutes (with some inputs from his sister) writing down all the various tower names from Toy defenders (a game in roblox). If only he’s this serious about his schoolwork… 😓 (he emphasised that he’s “more important” under the credits section).

I can only remember a handful of these names. (Yeah. Lao niang has to play this game with him as a chaperone.) My brain just goes into screensaver mode whenever I see these names.

#roblox #xiaoxiaobaobei #playisseriousbusiness

宝贝 and her Medal

宝贝 and her Medal

baobei and her medal
Baobei and her medal

A medal to commemorate her last year as a table tennis 🏓 player in her primary school. The team emerged as the East Zone Girls’ champ. Perfect score of 5-0 against every school and 3-0 for every match. They could have had a shot for overall national champ. Too bad it was cancelled due to covid.

Well done Kong Hwa Girls’ team! 💪🏼

NOW it’s time to mug for PSLE! Shoo!

psle #nsg #girlpower #konghwa #tabletennis

My Sweet Valentine! 

My Sweet Valentine! 

Look what I’ve found underneath my pillow! 

Given to me by my Sweet Valentine! But I can’t open it til 14th Feb. ???

When I asked her about it, she coyly whispered, “Mommy, it’s a SECRET!”  

Little things like these brighten up my days. 

My lovely 宝贝, if you happen to read this one fine day, I just want to tell you, “I love you lots and lots!!” ???

My Miracle

My Miracle

If you have been following my blog all these years, you will know that I’m not exactly a kid lover. Unlike some of my friends who go child crazy whenever they see one, I don’t. In fact, I try to keep my distance from them. 

I was mightily happy with being able to take off whenever and wherever I wanted to.  I wasn’t a bad person, just very self-centered. (There! I’ve said it! I hear some sniggers! ? you are supposed to disagree!)
Until one fine day…. I had a bee in my bonnet and decided that, “ok, perhaps it’s time to have a child.” Waaa! A lot of people bought 4D that day…

And she came along… On this very day, 6 years ago. 17 September 2009.


when 宝贝 was a few months’ old

She was a textbook baby! Easy going, good temper, gobbled up everything, slept on the dot. Good fortune I have!! I must have done a lot of good deeds to deserve her!! 

It was the best decision in my life, to have her. Being a parent has made me a better person. I used to feel very strongly against some issues but they now seem minute and petty. I think twice now if I want to do something bad (looks around furtively). Even if no one knew that I did it, but I know it and with that, I would have lost the right to teach my child the right thing to do if I can’t even do what I preach. 


at 1 year old

I also found that I could give up a lot of things for her. And I never knew that I was the self sacrificial kind. But hey! Maybe I had it in me all along! ? 

at 2 years old

I used to love working so much that I spent 14 hours at work a day. Madness!!! Now I can’t wait to spend 14 hours with her!


at 3 years old

All my priorities have shifted. Money doesn’t seem as important anymore. Heck! I was even cutting back on work to spend time with her. I started reading parenting books, cooking books, any book that had to do with her. I even started cooking!! It’s a wonder that I haven’t poisoned all of us yet. (My Home Econs teacher must have been praying for me all these years after I almost poisoned her during food tasting in class. That’s another story altogether.)


at 4 years old

She’s the total opposite of me; she’s whatever I’m not. Sweet, sensitive, empathetic and utterly devoted to all of us.  I’ve been constantly reminded of that by my friends and colleagues. (you know who you are!) (although I’m sure I’ve those qualities, waiting to be discovered).  

at 5 years old
She’s been the best little helper since her
brother arrived. The ever devoted sister and self designated teacher to her little brother. 


Today she’s 6 years old. And I love her to bits!!

Happy 6th birthday my darling 宝贝!I don’t know where I’ll be if you haven’t appeared. You are my miracle. 


宝贝 – Being Reprimanded!

宝贝 – Being Reprimanded!

Me : (one hand lifting 小小宝贝’s poo-encrusted bum off the soiled diaper, the other hand trying to pull a stubborn wipe from its container) 宝贝 can you come and help me with this??

宝贝 : (very obligingly) ok. I’m coming. (As she was holding on to the container so that I could pull the wipes out) Mama do you know why it’s so difficult to pull the wipes out??

Me : no, why? (Expecting some scientific revelation)

宝贝 : (in a parental reprimanding tone) it’s because you lost your temper this morning and you threw it across the room. That’s why it’s like that. You must stop throwing things.

Me : (feeling very guilty and much chastised) orh. I mustn’t do that again.

宝贝 : It’s ok Mama. Just don’t do it again.

Ha! Caught you! Ya.. It’s a tale of the mother being reprimanded by the daughter. I need to keep a rein on my temper. Aside from that, 宝贝 has the makings of a top grade mom.

Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic Eczema

It all started with a few tiny blisters on my palms and my soles. Just mildly irritating but nothing more than that. I started getting worried when more appeared.

The last time I had this, it was HFMD (hand foot mouth disease). But… none of my children was down with it this time. And I had neither fever nor sore throat (well, I did lose my voice and it’s still hoarse because I overused my voice box. Over 10 hours of continuous usage with little chances of water drinking. I need to give myself a gag order!! ?) This time I couldn’t have been so suay or “cannot make it” to get it when no child in the household had it, right?! *rolls eyes*

I googled (no one uses the word “search” anymore. Google has pulverized the usage of search. Even 宝贝 says,”Mama if you don’t know anything, just google loh!!” ?) on the symptoms – red rash, impossibly itchy, blisters on palms and feet soles. The search results turned up with hfmd but only if it’s accompanied with fever and sore throat. Or else it’s dyshidrotic eczema.

Gosh! How I hate this word eczema. It’s been plaguing me (because 宝贝 has it) for years and years. It’s probably due to something I ate. But I’ve been eating all kinds of food everyday so it’s kind of hard to pinpoint it.

I have this once every few years. The last time I had it was probably 5-6 years ago. So rightly, I should be very thankful that it’s so occasional.



I just have to endure the itch and pinprick pains when the little blisters combine. The dastardly things don’t itch in the day, but torment me at night!!! I can now totally empathize with 宝贝 now when she scratches her arms. It’s unbearable for me, as an adult and I’ve pretty high tolerance for pain and itch.

It’s been more than a week. Some of the early blisters have dried up yet new ones have been appearing. They have started to spread to the back of my hand.


It appears to be healing though. I pop the occasional antihistamine when it gets unbearable and I’ve hijacked 宝贝’s supply of anti itch sprays and creams.

Once all the blisters have dried up, the skin will flake and peel off.

So looking forward to that day.

I promise I’ll henceforth, stop giving 宝贝 the frown and impatient look, tsk at her, “ooi! Stop scratching leh!!” On the bright side, maybe I got it so that I can live through for a few weeks of what she’s gone through for years.

She gently takes my hand and strokes it. “Mama if it’s itchy, tell me ok?” Then smiles empathetically with her Bambi eyes. In that very moment, I’m the most fortunate mother on earth and yet I’m so humbled. She will make a better Mom than I am in future. That’s my darling girl…

Patience, My Dear, Patience!

Patience, My Dear, Patience!

Me : Hurry up! Why are you taking so long to buckle your seat belt?!

宝贝 : (fumbling with her seat belt) Mama! Can you be more patient?? (In her most adult tone) (gives a loud sigh and shook her head reproachfully at me).

Huh?! Me?! Macham like I’m the impatient kid. Pfft!